Thorin X Vixen

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[A/N @armitageforever Sorry it's so late.... Enjoy this amazing picture of Thorin like woah! Um I have two requests to get done so requests are on hold right now but as soon as those are done it'll be game on okay? I have a question for y'all at the end of the chapter.]

I follow the dwarf guards through the kingdom of Erebor to the throne room. I have been sent by my uncle Thranduil as the go between for our two kingdoms. So far as much a I've seen of Erebor it is a beautiful place although the dwarves don't seem to take kindly to Elleth. Many glare at me as I pass.

The head dwarf guard, a kind dwarf named Balin, says something to the others in their language before turning to me. "Ready lassie?" He asks kindly.

I straighten my dress, making sure I am presentable before taking a deep breath and nodding. The large double doors are pushed open to reveal the throne room.

Let me have a moment to explain the beauty of this room. The floors and walls are a deep emerald granite the throne it's self stands higher than I.

In the throne is king Thror looking as regal as ever. To his right is his son and heir Thrain looking a bit intimidating. Then to the kings left is his grandson Thorin who is showing no emotion in his features but his bright blue eyes sparkle.

I approach and curtsy gracefully. Thror tells me to rise and I quickly obey. "High King Thror my uncle Thranduil sends his greetings and thanks for this chance to become allies. I regret to inform you he has pressing matters to attend to. He sends me in his place." I tell the king without looking into his eyes not knowing if he would find that disrespectful.

"What is your name Child?" He asks, his voice very soft and kind but demanding attention.

I try not to laugh at him calling me a child. After all I am 2000 years old. "My apologies your Majesty. I am Vixen daughter of Taneth brother to Thranduil."

"Pleasure to meet you Vixen. As it is getting late I will have my grandson Thorin show you to your accommodations. Feel free to roam but make sure someone is with you." Thror tells me with a slight nod of his head.

I curtsy again quickly. "That is very kind your Majesty thank you."

Thorin steps away from his grandfathers side and bows his head to me in a greeting. "This way if you please." He tells me and I follow him out of the throne room.

We walk in silence for a moment and I decide to try and become aquatinted. "Erebor is a very beautiful kingdom." I comment.

"Yes. It is." He replies then kinda chuckles to himself. "I wouldn't not have thought an elf would appreciate dwarvish work."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Just because I am Elleth doesn't mean I do not have an eye for the finer details. They're absolutely beautiful. In fact my range of eye sight makes it to where I can see how intricate the details are." I tell him.

We leave the main halls of Erebor and go Ito what looks like very very nicely made chambers maybe even the royal chambers. After a little more walking we come to rest outside a massive stone doorway.

"This is your quarters for the length of your visit." Thorin tells me as he pushes open the door revealing a lavish living area. "I will leave you to settle in. If you need assistance my own quarters are down the hall," he points in the direction. "Around the corner first door on the left." He nods his head and begins to walk away when I remember something.

"Oh wait! Prince Thorin?" I ask before he could leave. He turns and looks at me waiting. "I would like to see more of Erebor whenever I could." I tell him a question hidden in my voice.

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