Nili, At Yer Service

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I laugh as we get weird looks from some hobbits who then shuffle into their little hobbit holes to hide from us. I mean we aren't that intimidating looking. Well we are carrying a lot of weapons between the three of us. And I suppose hobbits don't normally see dwarves.

"I hope it hasn't been canceled." Kili says and I can feel the anxiety radiating off of my twin.

"It won't be." Fili and I say at the same time.

We all smile and continue up the path in quiet, that is until we see a large hobbit hole at the top of the hill. Or well in the hill. There's a glowing blue mark on the door.

"I do believe this is it." Fili says light heartedly.

I take Kili's hand and squeeze it as a way to tell him 'it's okay. No need to be nervous.' He squeezes my hand back and seems to relax until Fili rings the bell. Kili drops my hand but tenses up again.

The door opens to show a male hobbit a bit shorter than us, who looks a bit disgruntled.

"Fili. Kili. And Nili. At yer service." We all say together and bow respectively.

"You must be Mr. Boggins." Kili says with a smile.

I lightly hit him chest. "I dun told you. It's Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, not Boggins." Then I turn to face our host.

"Nope! You can't come in." Bilbo says angrily. "You've come to the wrong house." And he begins shutting the door.

All our right arms shoot out an push against the door in sink. "Has it been canceled?" Kili asks with a pointed look to me.

"No one told us." Fili says.

"But I was sure we had the right house!" I say a bit disgruntled myself.

" nothing been canceled." Bilbo says a bit confused looking.

"That's a relief." Kili says happily and walks into the house.

"I told you." I mumble as I follow behind Fili.

"Careful with these. I've just had em sharpened." Fili tells Bilbo and tosses him his weapons.

I take off my coat and hang it on the rack, my axe leaning agains my coat and all my throwing knives either in the coat or hidden on my person.

"It's nice this place." I say approvingly. It's very quaint.

"Did you do it yourself?" Kili asks.

"What? No, it been in the family for years." Bilbo tells us. Then sighs exasperatedly and gripes at Kili who is wiping mud off his boots. "That's my mothers glory box can you please not do that?"

"Fili, Kili, NILI HAHA." A familiar voice says and I turn to see a good friend. "Come on give us a hand."

"Mr. Dwalin!" Kili and I exclaim happily to see our old mentor.

We follow him through the house to find Mr. Balin. "Shoves this in the hall otherwise well never get everyone in."

"Everyone? How many more are there?" I vaguely hear Bilbo complain before I set to work helping the others.

"Where do you want this?" Dwalin asks his older brother. "It's really heavy."

"Lets move it out this door way and into the hall there. Then we can hopefully fit everyone in." Balin tells us.

"Alright. Lets get to it." Dwalin says then looks over to me. "Come grab this corner."

I quickly move to the corner opposite of his as my brothers get the other two. We all lift at exactly the same second and quickly but carefully maneuver the table into the hall.

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