Dwalin X You

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"Who is Dwalin?" I ask, my voice ringing out into the room full of the Thirteen Dwarves who are accompanying Thorin Oakensheild to reclaim Erebor.

All the heads turn to face me. Some give me questioning looks. Others like my brothers Bofur and Bombur and my cousin Bifur know why I am here.

With a sigh a very muscular dwarf stands up. Easily a head taller than me. My heart skips a beat as I stare wide eyed at this massively strong dwarf who is obviously a skilled warrior.

"What do yeh want lassie?" He asks in a gruff voice.

I let out a shaky break, push down my nerves, and avoid looking into the eyes of my brothers. "I, Y/N descendent of Khazad-dûm challange you Dwalin son of Fundin to a duel." I say, my voice surprisingly calm.

I hear scoffing and some laughter. "Look!" I yell over their noise. "I've been told by my brothers," I point at them. "That if I can beat you in a fight then I can accompany you guys to reclaim Erebor!" I say angrily.

Thorin begins to object but Dwalin holds up his hand. "Lets see where this goes Thorin. If she can beat me then she is more than capable of keeping up with us on the journey. Actually if she could beat me, and I stress the if, then we would need her on this journey."

Bifur catches my eye as he signs furiously in khazudul. Dwalin follows my gaze to see Bifur signing "You break her. I'll break you."

"I have no want to hurt her." Dwalin tells him reassuringly.

"Yet." Bifur signs with a worried look.

"What's yer weapon of choice lass?" Dwalin asks with his huge hands crossed over his chest.

"Mattock or axe but in this case I don't fancy dieing so-" I hold up the walking stick I brought and snap it in half over my knee. "Here." I toss one side to him.

I flip my sparing stick over a few times in my hand in anticipation. And suddenly he lunges.

I roll to the side narrowly avoiding his attack. His eyes follow my every move and gives me little time to readjust before he lunges again.

This time I stand my ground and face him. Our stick clash together with a loud CRACK. He begins using his strength to push me backwards, hooks his foot behind my leg, and I drop to the floor.

I quickly hook my feet behind his calves and bend my knees quickly, the force just strong enough to shoot me underneath his legs and behind him, also making him loose his balance.

I quickly get up and turn to face him as he regains his balance I attack him. Right before I manage a would be deadly blow he balances and blocks me. The force of my blow connecting with his physically hurts.

I quickly move away and swing at his torso, which he blocks. He tries to knock the stick out of my hand and I block him. Each advancement we make the other blocks.

I try to attack him again this time his stick goes flying off to the side. I smile and advance on him swinging for a would be deadly blow but he falls backwards, my stick just centimeters away from his neck does nothing.

He jumps back up and grabs my hands, swinging me around to where my back is to his chest, he quickly disarms me and takes my stick.

I elbow him in both sides hard and he stumbles away from me, letting me go and I run for his stick. I scoop it up and turn just in time to block his advance.

Once again we are head to head.

I realize his intentions one second too late and he headbutts me. Hard. I stumble backwards and he takes that moment to knock me to the ground, my sparing stick clatters to the floor just out of reach. His sparing stick lays pressed to my throat and his weight on me just enough to hold me down. It's an obvious kill.

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