Elrond X Avalon

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Elrond X Avalon

"RUN!" I yell at Kili as I continue shooting at the on coming Wargs and orcs. "IM RIGHT BEHIND YOU GO!"

He gives me one last look before turning and running towards the cave opening.

I hear the hooves of around eight no ten horses in the distance coming my as I fight off the Orcs and Wargs. The horses rider urging them to be faster.

I kill a Warg with my sword and slowly but semi patently move them back away from the cave the dwarves went into; buying them time to find the path to Rivendell.

I feel an arrow nick my side and a burning sensation. The arrow must have been poisoned I acknowledge as I push the onslaught back.

It doesn't take long for my arms and legs to feel like dead weights but I push and struggle to continue fighting against them until the ever approaching company of elves arrive to dispatch of them.

As the company of horseback riding elves come into view my body gives out and I collapse. The Wargs try to finish me off but the orcs call them back to fight against the elves. Very quickly and with no one else harmed the orcs and Wargs were killed.

"Burn them." The leader tells the others and as they get to work piling and burning the corpses I watch unable to say anything as I cannot even open my mouth.

The elf leader guy looks around, sees me, and gets off his horse to run over to my side and see me awake and watching him.

He sighs. "You're alive. Good are you hurt?" He asks his voice kind.

I try to nod or say yes but it doesn't work so I look at him and to my side and back a few time before he realizes and looks at the scratch on my side. He examines it and grimaces. "DreamShade." He tells me before my eyes haze over and I pass out.


I wake and blink several times as the light blinds me but soon realize I have no bloody idea where I am. I try to get up out of this bed but cannot move then my memories of before I blacked out come back. I was nicked by an arrow dipped in DreamShade; a nasty poison that paralyzes you within five minutes of it being in your system then knocks you unconscious before waking you shortly after with agonizing pain until your it reaches your heart and slowly it until you die. Then the elves showed up. They must have brought me to Rivendell.

I try looking around the room and find that happily I can move my head!!!!!!! You have no idea how exciting that is. I cannot move my legs or arms though. So instead I try to talk.

"An.....anyone.." I rasp quietly and swallow before trying again. "Anyone there?" I call out my voice reasonably stable.

A pretty elf girl comes in through the doorway and smiles. "I will tell Lord Elrond you have regained consciousness." She tells me with a small curtsy and leaves the room again.

Then the full gravity of the situation hits me. I, an elf hobbit cross breed who was forbidden from ever stepping foot in elvish territory now lay in the heart of Karningul, or Imladris, the Last homely house east of the sea and commonly referred to as Rivendell.

Not long after the she-elf had left the very same elf that had found me to begin with walked into the room with a gentle smile. "Your company have been asking about your well being." He tells me in his voice that just radiates kindness.

"Are they all alright?" I ask worried.

"Yes. None of them were hurt, and you all are welcome here." He tells me.

"So.... You are Lord Elrond then?" I ask.

"Yes I am. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He says with a bow. "And you are?"

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