Nili, At Yer Service Part 2

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I stumble into the cave Thorin and Dwalin had found. I feel so jarred. Rock isn't supposed to move. It just ISN'T. IT'S WRONG. I can feel anything I can't use my stone sense.

"Ohh my head...." Bofur says as he stands against the rock kicking it trying to feel the stone.

Nori paces along the walls tapping and feeling trying to get a sense. Desperate in his pacing.

Bombur stumbles and falls to the ground beside Bifur who is just staring off into space.

Fili and Kili pull me into a hug and I hug them back tightly. That was such a close call. And rock wasn't supposed to move. It's jarred everyone in the company. But more so the ones with stone sense. It's effecting Bofur, Nori, Bombur, and me more than the rest.

After a while most of the company calms and falls to a fitful sleep. Bofur stays awake keeping first watch and occasionally tapping the wall with his boots trying to see.

I crawl out of between my brothers and walk over to Nori who is still pacing and tapping the wall. "Still blind?" I ask.

He nods. "You?"

I tap the wall and lay my hand flat against it. "I can see a little of the structure of the mountain around us but below us is blank. Everything I see is static though."

He nods and continues pacing and I stop him by laying my hand against his shoulder. "Here, sit. Let me try something."

He narrows his eyes but slides to the floor. I sit infront if him and take one of his hands slowly massaging it. His golden eyes flutter close and he leans his head against the wall with a sigh.

I work his hands until he relaxes and slips into a sleep. I cover him with a thick fluffy blanket. Nori loves blankets. It sounds silly but he spent most of his life as a thief and never had much to his name. Hardly ever had a blanket to keep him warm, so I gave him this one. His past makes me sad for him. Even now he doesn't let people touch him for long. I'm not quite sure why he lets me.

I stand and walk over to Bofur. "Is your sense still blind?" I ask.

"More like numb Lass. I can feel the ground beneath meh boots but with meh sense there's nothin." He tells me then yawns.

"Get some sleep Bofur, ill take the watch." I tell him.

He looks like he was going to argue then decides against it and lays down, curling Ito a ball. "Thank yeh Lass."

I sit against the wall for a while after convincing Bilbo to stay and watch the company sleep. I look over everyone but my eyes go back to Nori as he is struggling in his sleep.

I get up and walk over to him as he fights his dreams mumbling. "No. Bad. Not Safe. Bad. No!" His hands pound against the floor. "Bad." He whimpers.

I gently touch Nori trying to wake him without getting punched. I know how the dreams take over and people often get punched when they try to wake from those dreams.

Nori doesn't wake only begins struggling more in his dreams. I shake Nori's shoulders trying to wake him before anyone else wakes. "Nori!" I whisper. "Wake up. Nori? NORI!" I whisper shout shaking him gently as I can.

He shoots up and I stumble backwards to avoid being hit. He doesn't lash out though he just looks around golden eyes wide, hands balled into fists. Once he sees me I crawl over to him and take his hands, he pulls away though.

"Nori. It was just a dream. Easy." I try telling him.

His quick breathing slowly calms as his eyes dart around and sees no danger. He lets his hand fall to the ground then stiffens as he feels the vibrations. "Bad rock..." He whispers.

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