Legolas X Laura

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"Dwarves." Beorn says in disgust.

I look out over all of the sleeping forms. Beorn obviously doesn't like them, but Im indifferent. I get an overwhelming feeling that were being watched and I scan the room, my blue eyes falling on a form smaller than a dwarf. "There's a Hobbit." I say with a small smile. Hobbits I like. They're cheerful and have many meals a day. Food.

Beorn just grunts and walks off to his room. I look back over the group of sleeping and see a familiar form sitting by the window smoking his pipe. I bound over to him and smile. "Gandalf! How yah been?" I ask.

Gandalf chuckles. "I have been well Old Friend."

I give him a silly look. "I'm not old."

He raises his eyebrow. "Your over 3 thousand Laura."

I nod. "Yeah. Okay I maybe a little older. I'm still young for a Elf though!" Originally I am an elf from the Valley of Imaladris but left to give aid to a wizard named Radaghast. Odd fellow but he is immensely kind. In return for helping him he offered to give me a unique skill. Skin changing abilities. I obviously agreed. Now I am half Elleth half Skin Changer. I turn into a large black wolf, my paws and tail are pure white. After becoming the wolf the first time my hair color changed to match my fur. My long black hair now white at the tips and my bangs completely white, which I keep in a braid. A bit odd looking, for an Elleth, but I like it.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and Gandalf chuckles. "By the way...." I look over the sleeping short peoples. "What're y'all up to?"

I see a gleam in his eye as he answers. "We're going on an adventure. These are the dwarves of Erebor come to reclaim their home." He tells me. "Care to join?"

"Sounds dangerous." I say. "Count me in."

He laughs and we talk a little while longer before I show him to the guest bedroom and head off to my room for some sleep.


Soon we find ourselves lost in the Mirkwood Forrest. Oakenshild has a HORRIBLE sense of direction. Speaking of Oakenshield, he wasn't exactly happy with an Elf coming with them but when he saw me skin change he decided I could help. Typical.

At the moment I'm a normal sized wolf sniffing out the trail. These dwarves are hopelessly lost. It's a good thing they can fight or they'd never last the night.

My hairs start to raise as I get an extreamly uncomfortable feeling. Something's coming.

I spin around and race back to where I last saw the dwarves. They're gone. Where are they? My wolf mind panics as I cannot find them. They're scent trail ends here. Like they just disappeared.

I hear a shuffling behind me and spin around to face a huge spider. I quickly slaughter it, but it nicked me with is poisoned tail. I feel the world turning. I blink several times and try shaking my head but it doesn't help.

I shift into my Elf form and collapse to the ground. The world fading fast. The last thing I see is bodies wrapped in white silk falling.

I Bolt away and look around. The dwarves are fighting the spiders. I attempt to shift to help but the poison still in my system prevents me from it. I sigh and pull out my sword. Time to kill some nasty spiders.

I drop to the ground as a spider jumps over my head. "Could you not?!" I growl at it. I turn and stab it through its skull.

Pulling out my blade I cringe at the nasty blood. I turn and see the dwarves draw n courter a spider. "THAT'S NASTY!" I yell at them then turn and kill another spider.

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