Éomer X You

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[A/N: SURPRISE ÉOMER ONE SHOT!!! I love Éomer. First Of all Éomer <3. Second Karl Urban <3. Third Their voice <3.]

"Y/N! Come on!" She begins dragging me away. I sigh and follow. "Did you hear?"My friend Éowyn asks excitedly.

"Hear what, Éowyn?" I ask curiously as we weave through the crowd. "Where are we going?"

"They're coming home!" She says excitedly. "Éomer, King Théoden, Théodred, all the troops! They're almost home!"

My pulse speeds and I quicken my pace. They had gone off to battle and it has been many a months they have been gone. They've come back to us! I laugh giddily as I run.

Éowyn and I slide to a stop at the bottom of the stairs to the palace. We watch as the troops march, and ride, through the town. Quickly the crowd around us becomes dense as people come to see their loved ones.

Théoden climbs off his horse, followed by his son Théodred, and nephew Éomer, who is also Éowyn's older brother. They all are dirty but I see little wounds. They are alright. I sigh in relief.

I watch from the side as Éowyn hugs her uncle and cousin then is pulled into a bone-crushing embrace by her brother. They were always so close and are more friends than siblings.

I feel my nerves rise as I think of going to talk to Éomer, our eyes meet briefly but soon he is overcome by the crowd as they congratulate him or search for their families.

I wait for a few more minutes, hoping to be able to speak with Éomer. I have wished everyday since they left that he would come back safe.

I watch as Éomer talks with Éowyn, a wonderful smile spread across his features. I take a few moments to study him. To memorize how he looks. His long blond hair falling past his shoulders. A bit of a beard across his strong jawline. His dark hazel eyes lighting up as he laughs at something his sister has said. I smile. It is so good to have him home.

I sit and lean against the wall. It'll be while before I can see him and I definitely don't want to interrupt them.

I wait, nervously but patently, as the crowd thins. I see Éowyn and Éomer sitting on the bottom steps just talking. Getting caught up. I begin to wonder if I should give them space as just come back later, but soon dismiss the idea. I'll wait all day if I have to to talk to him, hear his voice.

I look over and see them stand, I stand as well. Éowyn points over at me and Éomer looks at me with a heart-stopingly handsome smile.

My pulse quickens as he walks over to me. I meet him halfway and pull him into a hug. His arms wrap around me tightly and he spins me around.

Once he sets me down I smile up at him. "I missed you!" We both say at the same time. He smiles that dizzying smile.

"I am so glad you're home." I tell him and return the smile.

"It's good to be back." He holds me out at arms length, looking over me. I haven't changed much since he left. He smiles and brushes my long black hair behind my ear. "You look well." He tells me.

I nod. "Not much has changed here." I look him over and notice a cut running down his cheek. I step closer to him and gently run my fingers over the cut. It's not very deep. Should heal fine. His eyes catch mind and I quickly step away. "Come. Lets get you cleaned up."

We walk the way up to the palace in silence. I lead the way to his room. "Sit on your bed." I tell him. Then I notice he still has his armor on. "Oh. Here."

I slowly help him take off his armor. "How have you been?" He asks. I shrug and turn away but he catches my hand I turn and look back at him. "Hey. How have you been?"

I look down at his hand, still holding mine. He quickly lets go and I run my fingers through my hair. "I've missed you." I smile a bit then look around. "This place..... It isn't the same when you're gone." I realize how serious I sound and quickly add some humor. "It's too quiet. Not as much trouble to get into."

He smirks. "Oh I see."

I walk over to his wash basin and dip a washcloth. Turning to face him I notice he still has on a loose tunic. "Take off your shirt."

He does as he is told, unfazed. I'm a novice healer. I've seen him shirtless many times as I've tended to his wounds over the years.

I walk over to him and check his chest for any wounds, pretending not to notice how strong he is. "Turn." I tell him. He does and I see old scars but nothing new. I trace over one scar in particular. It had nearly cost him his life. He shivers and I blush. "Sorry." I tell him. He turns to face me again and I gently wash the cut along his cheek.

"How is it doc? Will I live?" He asks teasingly. I shove his shoulder and he laughs wholeheartedly.

"It is good to hear you laugh." I say quietly, mostly to myself.

He looks at me, instantly sobered up. "I've missed you too, you know."

I cup his cheek and run my thumb over his cut. He sighs and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug. I tangle my hands in his hair and bury my face in the base of his neck.

I've missed him so much. And I've realized something since he has been gone. Something I had long suspected. "I Love You." I whisper, then freeze. I hadn't meant to say that.

He tenses and pulls away from me. "What did you say?" He asks, shock and doubt mixed in his voice.

Panic washes over me. I hadn't meant for him to know.... I try to pull away from him but his hands cup my face. "I..I.." I stutter, unable to get the words out.

"Tell me, please..." He whispers, he's eyes searching my face.

I bite my lower lip and close my eyes before sighing and looking into his eyes. "I.... I love you Éomer.... I have for some time... I'm sorry. I hadn't meant to say anything."

He smiles a small smile and I feel his lips against my own. With a warrior such as he, rough and strong, I would have expected more of a passionate rough heated kiss, but no. His kiss is the very opposite of his personality. His lips move against my own slowly, passionately yes, but gently. A type of gentle I have never felt before.

His hands slide down my sides to my waist and he pulls me up to where I'm straddling his lap, all the while not breaking the kiss. His tongue explores my mouth as he pulls me as close as he possibly can.

His lips trail down my jawline to my neck and begin sucking and nibbling at my collarbone. "Mh... É..Éomer..." I moan. He smiles and looks up at me, my face beat red.

"If you cannot tell," he brushes my hair out of my face and gently kisses my lips. "I love you as well Y/N. I have for quite a while."

Hobbit / LotR One ShotsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα