Bilbo X Clementine

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I watch Bilbo's smoke ring rise into the air and slowly disappear into the darkening sky.

It's going to be dinner time soon. I look over to Bilbo who is smoking his pipe happily with his eyes closed. I love him. I blush at my thoughts and clear my mind. I lay my hand on his knee and he slowly opens his eyes.

"I'm going to go make dinner." I tell him with a small smile and get up to walk inside.

"I'll be in in a minute." He tells me.

I have to duck a bit to enter his house as I am human and 5'3, a bit taller than his 3 foot. But once I'm in his house I don't have to watch where I walk. I am grateful his father made a high roof.

I breathe in deeply and smile as the scent of the roast drifts through the house to meet me. I go to the kitchen and quickly dish out some roast meat, cooked carrots, and potatoes. Then I open the wood burning stove and pull out the bread rolls.

I hear Bilbo come in and I turn with our bowls in my hand to see him leaning against the doorway.

He smiles. "It smells amazing."

I hand him his bowl and we go sit at the table. I watch as he takes a bite. His eyes light up in a pleasantly surprised smile. "It's amazing Clementine!"

"You act surprised!" I laugh.

"Well you spend so much time with dwarves as your cook and you never know if the meal will be good!" He jokes.

I smile and agree but try not to talk bout them. I know sometimes thinking of the company hurts him and I wish not to cause him pain. He knew them much better than I did. I only knew them when I was at Bards house helping care for Kili's wound. I liked bilbo immediately and apparently he didn't mind my company's because when my house was destroyed by the dragon he said I could stay with him, if I didn't mind living halfway across middle earth.

We eat the rest of our meal in comfortable silence and I begin to wonder what Bilbo was like before the quest changed him. All too quickly we finish dinner and I quickly clean the dishes while Bilbo dries them and puts them away.

Once we are done we go into his library and lounge on his furniture. We each sit on one end of his massive couch. I sit crosslegged facing him and he sits with his legs straight facing me.

"What do you say to a game of riddles?" He asks after we get settled.

"Sounds fun. Any stakes?" I ask. There normally were stakes with this mischievous hobbit.

His eyes shine as I mention a challenge. "Strip Riddles?"

I blush but laugh to cover it up. "Rules?"

"Each riddle you get wrong you take off an article of clothing. First one bear of any clothes looses."

"Alright." I say boldly. "Challange accepted. You first."

He steeples his fingers and thinks for a second. A smile spreads across his face as he thinks of one.

"If you break me I do not stop working
If you touch me I may be snared
If you loose me nothing will matter."

What could that possibly be... Time? No. Oh..... It hits me and I smile. "Heart?"

He nods. "Your turn."

I smile. Already knowing the one I had in mind. Not really hard but not easy.

"The eight of us move forth and back
To protect our King when foes attack."

"Pawns." He answers quickly.

"I cut through evil like a double edged sword
Chaos flees at my approach
Balance I single-handedly upraise
Through battles fought with heart and mind
Instead of with my gaze."

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