Fili X Charlotte

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As soon as we got the word that Erebor was free of the dragon my older brother, father, and I packed our things and left for Erebor.

It was a three month journey straight from the Blue Mountains and it was such a long journey. But it was pretty much uneventful. We ran into orcs a bit but they were easily taken care of (my father is a Fundin class warrior). My father was looking forward to seeing Balin and Dwalin and Dori and Gloin. My brother looking forward to seeing Ori and Nori and Kili. And me, I'm looking forward to seeing Fili most of all. We started dating two years before they went on the quest.

Lady Dis had been first to arrive to the mountain with her escort and we were just a few days journey behind them. The rest of our people were not far behind us.

As soon as we came upon the foot of the mountain a horn sounds. "They know we're coming." My father says with a smile. He is the only one in our small family who remembers the mountain. He and my mother met and were married there. And for my brother and I it was the first time we have ever been.

Not for the first time I feel anxious as to wether or not I will be aloud to live in the mountain. Since I'm a human. My parents found me a ways away from the road when they were traveling. They say it looked as if orcs had killed my birth family but someone had been able to hide me just before. Even though I am human I'm very short. About the same size as dwarves which works out well in blending me in. But the dwarvish bully's have other reasons to be mean. I cannot grow facial hair and they are very malicious about it. Fili and Kili defended me alot. Fili had told me once that he liked the feeling if my smooth skin it was new and precious to him. He has always been so good at making me smile.

As soon as we reach the dark green stone entrance we are greeted by several members of the company. The Fundin brothers and the brothers of Ri.

The dwarves lead us inside and I see my Fathers face light up at the great hall of Erebor.

"Is it as you remembered?" I ask.

"It's very close. Now we just need our people to come home." He tells me with a smile I haven't seen since Mama died.

"They're not far behind us." My brother says and he follows Ori down a passage hall.

"Lassie how've yeh been?" Balin asks.

"I'm fine thank you master Balin." I and smile to him. He's always been kind to me.

Nori pats my shoulder. "She's a brawler. She can take care of 'er self."

I look over to the crimson peak haired dwarf. "I see your nose is better." I say with a smile.

Dori gives me a shocked look. "You were the one who broke his nose a month before we went on the quest?"

I smile a bit nervously but nods. "He was trying to steal my necklace. Fili have it to me." I explain.

Dori studies me for a second before smiling. "You'll get on here just fine."

My father pats my back and gives me a comforting smile before he turns to Dwalin. "Did everyone make it out alright?"

All their faces somber up and Dwalin shakes his head. "Thorin didn't make it...... Fili and Kili both survived but were badly injured. Kili lost his leg but is in high spirits. Fili healed well but is not in high spirits."

"What happened to Fili?" I ask my stomach knotted up.

"Come on." Balin tells us.

They lead us to the hall of kings which has a golden floor. "That's new." My father comments as we look down at our shiny reflections.

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