Legolas X Eunice

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"Legolas come here." Eunice says as she looks up from the letter. Legolas finishes his conversation with the human blacksmith before coming to her side. "We must return to Rivendell." She gives him the cryptic letter from her father. She could feel the urgency behind his words.

The One ring of Power had been found.


The orc pack she and Legolas were hunting was just north of Rohan. "We can finish off the pack and then re group with the fellowship." Eunice said to him. She felt such a strong need to get back with the fellowship that Legolas understood. The Fellowship could not fail their mission. The fate of middle earth was in their hands. Already the Fellowship had broken into several smaller groups. Sam and Frodo disappeared the day Boromir died... The day Pippin and Merrie had been captured.

The Orc pack that had taken them split into two groups. One Gimli and Aragorn had followed and one She and Legolas had followed but so far to no avail.

"We can reach the Orc pack by nightfall." He says as an attempt to lighten her mood as they head out.


Eunice would never forget the first time she met the woodland prince. It had been many years after the Battle for Erebor had waged and yet there was still hostility and conflict between the Woodland Elves and the Dwarves of Erebor. Her father, Lord Elrond, was an ally of both the dwarves and the woodland elves. So as an act of good faith he sent his youngest child and the most skilled diplomat in their kingdom. Princess Eunice.

She hadnt really wanted to go. Her mother had been sick for a long time after being pierced by a poisoned orc arrow and had finally sailed into the west. Her entire family was still in mourning. That was the reason she didn't argue with her father. She had remembered the obnoxious hoard of dwarves that had stayed in Rivendell long ago and though most Elves disliked them they reminded her of her older brothers Elladan and Elrohir when they were at their worst. So She made the journey to the City of Dale where Lord Bain would host and occasionally help as he has a good relationship with both races.

At first she had assumed Legolas was much like his father King Thranduil but when he met her in his father's stead with a kind smile she could see the difference. He might have once been like King Thranduil, just as harsh and rude, but now he reminded her very much of Arwen's love Aragorn and for good reason too as they are friends. However Legolas did not like the Dwarves. It had taken almost three weeks to find an agreement for all 3 races to agree to.


Far off into the distance Eunice noticed something was off. The trees were thinning... "Legolas are you seeing that too?" She asks as they near the break in the trees.

Trees were torn down more and more as they ran until there were no more trees. They stop just under the tree line. "How dare anyone do this!" She hissed out enraged. Many of these trees were as old as as middle earth. She had friends among these trees. She had grown up with some of these trees.

"They're cut down all the way past Isenguard." Legolas says with anger and confusion in his voice.

"But..... Saruman would never have allowed this to happen!" Eunice says defending the white wizard. He was her friend after all. "We have to make sure he's alright after we kill the pack."

Legolas nodded. A low rumbling was heard growing louder until it was almost deafening. Before they could see what was making the sound Eunice saw movement behind Legolas. "Duck!" She yells to him to be heard.

He immediately drops low, Eunice's throwing star flying through the air, and imbedding itself in an Orc's throat.

The Orcs they had been following set up an ambush and they had stupidly walked right into it. Without even thinking she and Legolas stood back to back as they fought off the orcs.

Orc after orc dropped dead, arrows, throwing stars, and daggers embedded in them. Before they even had a chance to gather their weapons a blasting war horn could be heard and the rumbling from before began again. Orcs began seemingly pouring out of the ground all around them. They were surrounded.

"Stay close."Legolas tells Eunice as they get back into stance. "I'm almost out of arrows."

They fought as feirce and as quickly as they could but as the war horns sound grew louder the more the orcs became rilled up. Fighting as a frenzy.


"You have no idea how much relief it brings me to know you, at least, are in love with an Elf!" Lord Elrond says as he storms out onto the balcony. Presumably after another fight with Arwen. Eunice's Father had never been too happy about Arwen and her love for the Dúnedain, Aragorn.

"Ada you know one cannot choose who they fall in love with." Eunice says giving him the same answer she always gave him.

"Are you ever going to take my side on this?" He asks her.

"They have already fallen in love Ada. It cannot be stopped now." She tell him. Her father sighs and runs his hand through his hair, attempting to smooth it back. "Besides who ever said I was in love with an Elf?"

Her father laughs. "Oh Eunice, I've seen the way you look at Legolas." He pauses and smiles at her. "That blush proves it!"

She laughs. "I have to go pack. Got a ring to destroy and all." She pulls her father into a hug and his arms lock around her.

"Please be careful." He murmurs as the painful idea of anything happening to his daughter flashed through his mind.

"I will Ada. I promise."

"Come back home when this is all over, you hear me?"


Eunice hadn't begun to worry until the moment she not longer felt Legolas' presence behind her.

"Im out." Legolas warns her. She glanced back to see as he fired his last arrows. Then unsheathing his swords and continuing to fight. The Orcs slowly backing them into a circle.

They tried thinning out a path but the crowd of orcs only grew. Eunice was beginning to panic. How could so many orcs have come out of nowhere?

They fought the orcs with everything they had. There were just so many. As she beheads an orc a slight shift of an ominous presences alerts her to the Orc behind her. Eunice spins around to see a huge orc like none she had ever seen. A white hand print marked across it's face.

The Orc roars as it charges her. She volts herself into the air flipping backwards and flinging a poisoned throwing star into it's neck. She hasn't been prepared to feel the orcs jagged knife as it tore through her side.

The war cry the Orc had gave minutes ago was nothing compared to the angry howling it made as it was dying. Eunice's pained cries were completely drowned out as both she and the Orc collapsed to the ground.

Her head hit the ground hard and her ears were ringing. She had never felt this much physical pain before. Her vision swam as she struggled to catch sight of Legolas.

It took Legolas a moment to realize he couldn't hear Eunice fighting at all. He killed the orcs nearest to him before spinning around looking for her.

An Orcs laughter was what caught his attention. "Such a shame." The orc says between laughing as he kicks the dead orc. "And I thought Uruk-hai we're supposed to be stronger than us." The orc then scoffs."But to be taken down by woman. Shame such a beauty will die for this." It says as it nudges Eunice's unconscious body.

Rage boils through Legolas. He grabs a dagger out of an Orc's forehead before flinging it into that filth who dare touch Eunice.

Pain explodes in the back of his head and he falls forwards. Eunice's unconscious form the last thing he sees before he too falls into unconsciousness.

[A/N: Part one of two hope you guys liked the first half!!! Please no requests as I have many many many to work on.]

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