Thorin X Sonja

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Thorin X Sonja

[A/N: She is a different Sonja than all of the others XD @ELLIKKA here you go!]

I feel a sharp blade press to my throat and I stiffen. "Do it!" I growl. I press against the blade and feel blood trail down my chest. "KILL ME!" I snarl.

The pale Orc smiles. "Why would I kill you?" He runs his fingers through the blood and smears it on my face. "You're more fun to torture." He shoves me hard and I fall to the ground.

Two orcs grab my arms and pull them until they can no more. My arms spread out like a birds wings in flight. I hear the crack of a whip behind me and I know it's a cat-o-nine-tails. A whip with nine strings, each string covered in blades like thorns.

I close my mind off and think of those I love. My brother Bofur laughing and joking around, Bombur falling and rolling down a hill, my cousin Bifur angrily trying to get us to understand him as he furiously signs in Kazudul. I bite my tongue to keep from crying out as the whip meets my skin.

I feel someone shaking my shoulder and I bolt awake, knocking my head against the poor little hobbit.

"Ah!" He complains and rubs his head.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Bilbo!" I say and try to hide a laugh. That didnt hurt me at all. Course me being a dwarf I have a much thicker head than him.

"It's alright....." He says as he rubs his head. He stops and looks over at me, I can see that he is hiding something.

"Bilbo? What's wrong?" I ask him a bit worriedly. We don't need any more trouble.

"Thorin." He says and I know exactly what he means. Something has changed in him. He hasn't slept or ate in several days all he cares about is that stupid Arkenstone, and the gold.

I stand and begin walking to the treasure room where Thorin spends all his time, but Bilbo stops me.

"Wait! Wait wait wait wait!" He says as he runs in front of me, literally cutting my path off. "He thinks one of the company has the Arkenstone....." Bilbo tells me.

It hits me and I realize what Bilbo has been hiding. Thorin wants the stone more than anything. More than life. I remember back to when Thror, Thorin's grandfather, got the stone. His mind was riddled with sickness and he was obsessed with his stone and his gold. Very much like Thorin now.

I look at the hobbit who was just an inch shorter than me. "Come. I have something to ask Balin."

I quickly run down the corridor, my long dark brown hair billowing out behind me, an I almost laugh at the feeling that I have gotten so used to over the journey. Yet it is still a grand feeling. The wind blowing through my hair as I run, not for my life, but just for the fun of it.

Bilbo struggles to keep up with me but he manages and we both slide to a halt in front of an old friend.

Balin gives us funny looks. "Hello lassie, laddie." He nods to each of us. "What're yeh running for?"

"To get to yeh quicker Master Balin." I say with a goofy smile, my carmel eyes lighting up from the sprint.

He nods, trying to slow his breathing. When we found him, me was having an anxiety attack. "Dragon Sickness. I've seen it before. That look. That need. It is a fierce and jealous love, Sonja. It sent his grandfather mad."

I walk closer to him. "Balin, if...if...if Thorin had the Arkenstone," a look passes over Balin's eyes. Suspicion. "If it was found would it help?" I ask.

"That stone crowns all. It is the summit of this great wealth. Bestowing power upon he who wears it. Would it stay his madness?" He begins shaking his head. "No. It would not. I fear it would make him worse." He turns and looks to make sure no one is in hearing range and quiets his voice so only we can hear. "Perhaps it is best if it remains lost." Balin gives us a knowing look and we all silently agree.

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