Kili X Alexis X Legolas

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I pace around my large kitchen as dinner cooks and I try to make enough for 13 dwarves, 2 hobbits, 2 wizards, 3 elves, 4 other humans, and possibly a skinchanger....

They're's so many people coming to my house for this reunion. All of Thorin's company are supposed to come (they all survived BotFA), Bilbo and his adopted nephew Frodo are already here, Gandalf and Radagast are supposed to come, Legolas, Lord Elrond, and his daughter Arwen are already here, Bard and his three children are coming over later and Beorn may come if he can.

My home isn't going to be big enough for all.... I quickly add up the numbers..... All 24 people not including myself...... Oh lord what have I gotten myself into.

We have finally restored Dale to its former glory (thanks to the gold Thorin gave us) and there is going to be a week long celebration.

The elves, the wizards and the hobbits are suppose to be staying in my home. So far it is only the elves and hobbits. Little Frodo is just learning to walk. He's so adorable. Bilbo took him in soon after he returned to the shire.

I hear a beautiful laugh coming from the living room and guess little Frodo is entertaining Arwen.

I feel as if I'm being watched and I turn to see Legolas leaning against the door way. "Is there anything I can help you with Alexis?" He asks with a smile that makes my heart race. The blond elf has been here for about a week, having arrived before anyone else, and in that time period we have gotten to know each other much more than we had before. We had fought side by side in the Battle of the Five Armies and talked during that time but now we actually are friends.

"Do you mind stiring the pot of soup over the fire there?" I ask and point to my massive pot hanging over the fire. I'm attempting to make enough food for the dwarves. They're coming down tonight as it is the first night of the festivities.

I pull out the 3rd batch of rolls from the oven and put in the forth and then go back to maintaining the chickens I have cooking. I dunno how bilbo ever had enough food for thirteen. Now I have twenty five.

Soon enough all the food is done and laid out on the counters and tables. Everyone has arrived except Radaghast who had an emergency with some of his animals, and Beorn who doesn't like dwarves. Bard and his kids only popped in for a few minutes then had to leave as he is The Lord of Dale and he has to oversee the celebrations.

The dwarves all arrived in the exact fashion they had arrived at Bilbo's house all that time ago. Dwalin arrived first followed by his older brother Balin. Not long after Fili and Kili arrived. I had to bend down just a little (i am short for a human at 5'2) and Kili bear hugged me. I've missed them. They're my best friends. About ten minutes later all the aother dwarves showed up: Thorin, Bofur, Bifur, Bombur, Ori, Nori, Dori, Oin, and Gloin (as well as Gloin's wife and his son Gimli).

I smile at the barley controlled chaos around my house. I do not, however, look forward to cleaning it afterwords. The dwarves are just as they were at Bilbo's. Merry and quite content with throwing as much food as they eat.

Bombur tells of his wife and little ones. Bofur is a proud uncle and has his eyes on a girl he met here in dale. Ori is a scholar, one of the best in Erebor. Fili is going to be stepping up to king soon and is nervous about it. Dwalin is arguing with Gloin's son Gimli saying axes are far better than swords.

All their conversations over lap and I have difficult time trying to decipher them. As the night wears on and the dwarves finish their meal they throw the dishes around singing a merry song about ale. Afterwords many of them decide they will go down to the pub and drink to their hearts content.

The elves are much grateful that they left. Elves aren't much for the loudness or disrespect fullness of the dwarves.

All that remain are Bilbo, Frodo, Arwen, Elrond, Kili, Legolas, and me. I quickly brew some tea for the remaining few of us. As it is on the stove I walk back to the library where everyone is and lean against the door way listening to their conversation.

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