Chapter 30: Our next plan.

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The next morning/Titania

Koda's POV:

Eleanor: I have something to say.

Eleanor walked up to me and Velvet.

Eleanor: There's something I've been hiding... until now. I've been acting undercover on a special mission for Lord Artorius. I was to watch over Koda and bring him to the Abbey headquarters. So vital was my mission, I was to do whatever it took... even kill my fellow exorcists.

Koda: .....(So that's what Artorius wanted her to do.)

Laphicet: You were gonna take Koda to them...

Eleanor: I'm sorry for deceiving you Koda and everyone else. Originally, I was going to try and  get you to lower your guard, then take you in. But then I realized you wouldn't fall for a trick like that. However, I'm no longer intend on following the Abbey's orders.

I was a bit surprised by this, and Velvet has surprisingly not blown up on Eleanor yet.

Velvet: Your turning your back on Artorius?

Eleanor: No, I still believe in the sincerity of Lord Artorius. That the world he seeks is one that will benefit all humankind. But nevertheless, I simply cannot bring myself to condone the methods he has chosen to achieve that vision. So... I will help you to protect the therions. Until I discover the answer I seek.

Laphicet: Eleanor...

Eleanor: I want to live a life that I don't have to be ashamed of, and to do that, I have to learn the truth for myself.

I walk up to Eleanor and put my hand on her shoulder.

Koda: At least I taught you honesty, Eleanor.

Rokurou: Hahahah! So you live by your emotions after all.

Eizen: Maybe you found your own creed.

Magilou: Welcome to our wonderful world of wickedness!

Eleanor: Don't equate us! To act in opposition of one's feelings is to act opposed to reason!

Velvet: You never make things simple, do you?

Eleanor: You should be glad I don't!

Laphicet: Yeah. After all, she's my vessel.

Velvet: Yes, yes.

Koda: Whatever.

Rokurou: So, I think our next order of business is to find ourselves another therion!  ....Well, that's the extent of my insight. Anyone got any actual leads?

Koda: We would need to find where the next earthpulse would be in order to find the next therion.

Magilou: What if we had Eleanor swipe some intel on them from the Abbey? That could work.

Eleanor: ...I don't know.

Eizen: It wouldn't work. Officially, the Abbey still consider's her and Koda traitors, so who would leak anything to her or him?

Velvet: Yeah. Besides, we can't put Laphicet or Koda in danger like that. And anyway, Eleanor's terrible at being a spy.

Eleanor: ...Ungracious but accurate. 

Laphicet: You know that special underground cell from yesterday?

Koda: Yeah, why?

Laphicet: I wanna go back there. There's something I wanna try out.

Velvet: ...Alright, let's go.

Tales of Berseria: Calamity's HeroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora