Chapter 10: The Reaper's Curse

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Koda POV:

We decided to follow the pirate Malak through a tunnel, we finally caught up to him. He had just finished taking out a demon.

Malak Pirate: So, you've chosen to trust a pirate?

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Malak Pirate: So, you've chosen to trust a pirate?

Koda/Velvet: ...

Koda: Not for a second!

Velvet: But, if you're prepared to lend us use of your ship and your crew until we reach the capital, we'll help you out.

He turns around and faces us.

Malak Pirate: ...I'll agree to those terms. But there's something I should tell you all before you decide to continue.

He then takes out a coin and then flips it.

Malak Pirate: I bring ill fortune to all those around me. the "Reaper's Curse." I could flip this coin a thousand times and still land on tails. Trying to get through that fort cost the lives of five dame good sailors. ...If you join up with me, I can't guaranty your safety.

Koda: She doesn't need your safety when she's got me.

Velvet: And why would you go out of your way to warn us?

Malak Pirate: Even demons don't want to meet an unfair death, right?

He then throws the coin at us.

Malak Pirate: If you still wanna come, just know the risks.

I looked at Velvet and she looked at me.

Velvet: Works for us. We land on tails, we'll flip it to heads ourselves.

Velvet throws the coin right back at him and lands on heads.

Malak Pirate: ...Your names?

Koda: Koda.

Velvet: Velvet. This is Number Two.

Rokurou: Im Rokurou, a pleasure.

Eizen: ...It's Eizen.

Koda: Alright, Eizen. I assume you have a plan of attack?

Eizen: To put it bluntly, Vortigern is impregnable. It won't fall to an attack whether by sea or by land.

Rokurou: So, no plan I guess?

Velvet: What about both at once?

Eizen: Exactly. First we send in the Van Eltia to draw out the fleet from the narrows. Then we slip inside and open the sea gates ourselves. Our ship will break way and cut straight through the channel. We'll climb aboard and push through.

Rokurou: If we mess up, we're as good as dead.

Velvet: Then don't mess up and we won't be dead.

Rokurou: *Sighs* Walking with the reaper, eh?

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