Chapter 16: Aftermath/"He is mine!"

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Velvet's POV:

???: Velvet, wake up.

Velvet: Urgh... Just... let me sleep a little more Celica.

Celica: You rascal. Don't you remember the task I entrusted you with?

Velvet: The task...?

Seres: Yes, I asked you to take care of him.

My dream within myself ends and I wake up.

Velvet: Oh... Where am I? Did they... kill me? *gasp* My wounds are gone!

I looked to my right and I see Koda and Laphicet unconscious. They were covered in some sort of dark flies. I moved them away from them and checked on them. They both weren't feeling good.

Velvet: You two have a bad fever.

I check on Koda again, he was worse then Laphicet.

I check on Koda again, he was worse then Laphicet

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Koda: (unconsicous) Urgh.... Velvet... Please... don't die....please....stay....with me.

I began to see that he and Laphicet both saved me somehow. I held Koda close to me and fixed his hair.

Velvet: You saved me again, Koda. Now it's my turn to save you and Laphicet. But where exactly are we?

Eizen: It's an Earthpulse.

I turn to see Eizen.

Velvet: So you survived.

Eizen: Let's not count our blessings just yet, It looks like we've been sealed inside. But at the very least were still alive. Can't say the same would be true if we'd stay in that place.

Velvet: An Earthpulse... That's what this is?

Eizen: Yeah, it's like a river flowing with nature's life energy. Earthpulses can be found all over the world, but naturally you can't see or interact with them.

Velvet: Then, how'd we end up inside one?

Eizen: It happend when Innominat's power, Koda strange aura, and Laphicet's power collided, the shock must have torn it open

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Eizen: It happend when Innominat's power, Koda strange aura, and Laphicet's power collided, the shock must have torn it open. ... But, If that's the case, It's possible these two posses the power to return us home, but...

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