Chapter 23: Yseult city

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Koda's POV:

We split up and asked around the town to see if anyone knows someone named Grimoirh. I asked around but no such luck. Time started to pass and I met up with everyone else. Nether of them had any luck finding any information. 

Koda: Any luck?

Rokurou: Still no leads on that Grimoirh lady.

Velvet: Magilou, When did you get that letter from her you mentioned?

Magilou: Hmm, hard to say. It must have been... last year? a decade ago?

Koda: Ahhhh come on Magilou, we're being serious here!

Eizen: Take it serious or I'll feed you to the sharks.

Magilou: Aww, what?  I think I'd at least rate a Kraken. 

Velvet: If you keep this up, I swear I'll eat-

Velvet suddely notices two exorcists. I look and see Oscar and Teresa.

Koda: Hide!

We all ducked in cover so they couldn't see us. We then tried to listen to what they were saying.

Teresa: The preparations are completed. Once you've assumed your new post, everyone will act on your command.

Oscar: Thank you, Sister. To be honest, I worry that these shoes I'm filling might just be a bit too big for me.

Teresa: No need to worry. You possess a special strength and quality that other's lack. Shepherd Artorius has the highest hopes for your deployment to Palamedes. Do not fear. Just be yourself, and you'll do fine.  Believe you're a leader, and you will be.

Oscar: Yes. I'll try to make  you proud, Sister.

Koda: Palamedes? Could that be an Abbey Facility?

Teresa: I had better get going.

Oscar: Safe travels.

Teresa: Oh one more thing. Be careful around the demon in Haria. It's stronger than it looks. We've even had some casualties.

Oscar: Understood.

Teresa: Also, if you must drink the water, remember to boil it.

Oscar: Sister...

Teresa: Haha I know, I know, I worry to much. But I just can't help myself.

They both left the scene.

Rokurou: So there's a demon in Haria. Sounds like it's pretty feisty foe.

Velvet: If it's true, it may prove useful.

Koda: Hm, this still seems off.

Magilou: Exactly, what magical timing for Oscar to show up here at the very same hour we do.

Koda: Yeah... Too much of a coincidence.

We all look at Eleanor. 

Eleanor: ... I understand your suspicion of me. But have you any proof?

Velvet: We have none. But for an exorcist, your certainly sympathetic to the Abbey's curse.

Magilou: And soon you may wish WE were sympathetic.

Koda: Tell us the truth, Eleanor.

Eleanor tilts her head down abit

Laphicet: Eleanor hasn't been snitching on us. I'm sure of it.

Magilou: And how would you know? Are you watching her even when she's taking a bath?

Laphicet/Eleanor: Huh?

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