Chapter 9: Escape Hellawes and enter Aifread's Pirates.

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Koda POV:

We arrived into Hellawes. Unfortunately, the town is deserted, clearly it was a trap for us. As we approached the center of town, the Exorcists started surrounding us. Once they did, I put my hand on my sword. And then we saw Magilou and Teresa.

Magilou: OOOH! you all came to my rescue! Your actually nicer than I thought you were.

Teresa: You... You're the demon that escaped the island?

Velvet: ...What if I am?

Teresa: (Growls) And you Koda! You dare betray the Abbey after all you've done for it?

Koda: I never did all that for the Abbey. No one decides my future but me.

Teresa: You two hurt Oscar. Your deaths will be slow and painful.

The Exorcists surrounded us, ready to attack. We drew our weapons

Velvet: Come on!

Koda: I won't hold back!

Rokurou: I am duty bound to aid them.

Teresa: beware of her left arm.

We fought back wave after wave of enemy. I knew this kind of tactic, they were trying to overwhelm us with numbers, tiring us out and deal the finishing blow. But we still had the energy to keep attacking.

Teresa: I admire your endurance, but you will regret it soon enough. Number Two!

The Malak was casting a fire ball at Velvet.

Koda: Velvet look out!

I moved front to block the attack and I took the blow.

Koda: AHHH.

Velvet: Koda!

Velvet rushed and grabbed me from falling.

Velvet: Are you okay?

Koda: *Cough* *Cough* I'm okay. It hurts alittle bit.

Velvet was about to snap.

Velvet: You can't finish your own work? You coward!

Teresa: I won't fall for your taunts. That arm of yours is dangerous. Besides, one ought to use proper tools to deal with demon and traitor filth.

Koda: (Tools!?)

I then stood up and ready to fight. After hearing her say she's using a Malak as a tool. Then I noticed smoke in the distance and Velvet noticed as well.

Velvet: ...Well.... We got tools of our own, Flamestone, sulfur, and oil...

Malak boy: ...Those will...explode.

Suddenly, the store houses exploded, distracting everyone.

Teresa: What the-

Velvet knocks down Teresa with a kick. Then we make our escape. Velvet takes my hand and we all make a break for the docks, even Magilou followed us. We continued our way to a ship ready, with Dyle waiting for us. Just before we could make our escape, we were stopped by fire ball Artes. We turn around and it was Teresa.

Teresa: I won't let you escape! Never!

Velvet: (Growls)

Koda: You can try!

We then fought Teresa and her two Malakine. Rokurou and I dealt with the two Malakine while Velvet held off Teresa. We were able to push them back with our joint attacks. She dropped to her knees

Teresa: (huffing)

Koda: Just give up Teresa. You can't beat us.

Teresa: As Exorcist Praetor Teresa. I give you this order! Do it, Number Two!

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