Chapter Forty

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My rose

Worth Warren Esperaz

Worth in things will come from those you've fought for in having.

This was my dictum.

I never thought that mine will come from a far away land. Back to my grandfather's old house. Sold, many years ago. A little girl with fear in her heart, fear of the world, fear of everyone, and fear of me getting closer to her. On my every step towards her, she would step back. She was scared of her own breathing and steps.

There I saw the most beautiful creation of all.

"Bellemy Rose Grimaldi. She will be your main mission after a few more years."

Commander handed me the file. Clipped on the cover was a picture of a girl. I immediately recognize her. Even in the middle of the crowd of millions of people I can easily picture out this little beauty.

The crisis was worldwide. Dreadful to even look at the suffering individuals. Much more worse looking at them die in poverty, pain, manipulation, abundance, beggary, and abuse. But beyond tolerance to look at those in power use their positions for autocracy.

My eyes never left Bellemy's picture.

This girl I'm looking at now pursued me to help millions of people. She may not know it but her simple eye movements, careful steps, different gestures moved my heart as a boy.

Before the day that we met, I already knew what she's caring. My father wouldn't sold my grandfather's house without knowing everything about the people that would live in it. We just didn't knew that they would stay long there.

I don't have any plans for my life the moment we met. I don't know what to be, what to have for my future. But when I saw her, I didn't see any girl, I saw a soldier. She was in battle with the world the moment she step foot outside but that didn't stop her for looking the worth in herself.

Made me who I am today.

"How old is she now?" I quietly asked. My eyes remained on her photo, her mothers, their location.

We have been in mission for many years since the crisis started. A deadly virus was spread across the globe. If people were smart, they would know that as the years passed, this wasn't just nature itself. This wasn't just the air, the contact on one another spreading it.

I started young. Trained by my own father. A High Commanding Officer. And I became his first ally through his own charge for peace and justice.

I did not became a soldier to vow on one country only. I would not vow for the world either. I would only vow to the innocent and victims. My battles were for them, not for the success of those on higher positions.

But my life will be vowed to that mountain. It kept her alive.

I wasn't born to follow anyone nor to lead someone. I was born to fight for those who were worthy to be fought for. I wasn't born to be a man with limitations, I was born to walk free with a firing gun.

This girl will be my mission. No one can have this mission but me. This will be my greatest fight. Our greatest fight.

"Almost 18." He answered.

I flipped the pages and saw more details about her. The ones been spread across the medias, the internet, the reports and everything about her down here.

I gritted my teeth and closed the file. I can't read each one of those. I might do something about it, something wrong, something careless. It wouldn't be worth it. I don't want to put out the fire instantly just because of these lies I'm reading. Our every step needs to be careful and deceiving. We will move around the shadows for the meantime. Mastering the art of pretention.

See You Soon, Soldier (Ambience Series #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon