Crash and burn: 35

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The moment we landed, I missed the beautiful island already. Going through the doors the familiar atmosphere and air let me know that I was home. The relief of being home came undone with the weight of how my life is right now.

As I got off, Aurora was already kissing and thanking Gray who brung the van to pick us up.

Strolling closer, I overheard Aurora groan. I was hoping to get dropped off home first but we stop at Sunshine and Twilight.

With a tight lipped smile Aurora asked, "You're taking me to work after my trip. Are you serious?!" Gray reassures her.

"It isn't a place of work when it's your birthday." That seemed to smooth her over as she raised an eyebrow. Gray opened his bag and pulled out a box. Unfolding her arms, he places the gift in her hands. Kim and Hyeon were in awe watching them. Gray whispers to Aurora changing her mood for the better.

Honestly, I was already planning my escape plan on the drive over.

Once S&T came into view there were people everywhere. Balloons and flashy lights. Well my plan was just thrown out the window.

"No way." Aurora said in awe. Kim leaned towards Aurora, "Ready for part 2 to your birthday?"

Going inside, Being filled with the decor, Aurora items were layered all over. We jumped in surprise as we hear, "Happy birthday Aurora!"

Aurora greeted them as Hyeon whispered. "I have no makeup on!"

Kim turned to her, "Our suitcases are coming in right now. Grab your things ladies. This is about to be a long night for Ms. Aurora." Aurora started gushing.

"We partied all weekend." Aurora said in defeat. Kim pulled her along as we followed to the employee area.

"That why we are finishing with a banger. Lets get her so drunk she can't remember her name." Aurora gave us a look.

In the middle of drawing eyeliner Hyeon squeals braking my contraction.

"Yes Hyeon." She creepy turns to me, "Jin is here!"

That must mean, "Him and Hyunwoo." Her smile dropped. She glaces at me and I go back to finishing my eyes. Now I really need to find out how fast I can get home but I really want to be here for Aurora. She has Kim though so she'll be fine.

Then I see while she pinning her hair up, that she has her bday bracelet on. Fuck.

Once we were ready we all took formation. As we entered the room with Aurora center the crowd went wild.

Kim shouted, "Lets get drunk with the birthday gurl!" Heading towards the bar, I spot Jin coming towards us followed by Hyunwoo.

My heart stopped for a moment. I froze in place. Hyeon ran into Jins arms. Luckily Aurora pulled me with her.

Reaching the bar, Kim was on the table top pouring like a pro. In this whole time of working here, I have never seen her make a drink.

Aurora noticed how surprised I was. She mildly shouted over the music, "In college she was a bar tender. Came home with stacks of tips. its very entertaining to watch." As it was. From flips, shakes and pours. She was in her element.

Kimberly poured our shots with a huge smile on her face. Getting on top of the bar top Kim held up a glass.

Yelling, "The first shot of the night goes to the very special most amazing Auroraaaa!" Joining the crowd in rejoicing with her. Kim held out her hand for Aurora to join her. Being handed 3 shots Aurora took each one and held the glass over her head as we all cheered. We take our shots along with her. Having taking 2 shots, i was starting to relax more.

Crush my Heart to Pieces (AMBW) (Jay Park)Where stories live. Discover now