Dust to Dusk:14

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Work took all of my energy but luckily Hyunwoo was there too. He would make sure I was hydrated and fed. He is the sweetest friend I could have. We planned to hang out next week at his place so I can see some of the art he's almost finished with.

Getting home, I open the door to an empty quiet house. Jay has been gone for two weeks now and I honestly miss him. He'll call me from time to time but being on tour is taking too long.

Heating up the food Nari left for me, I also make tea.

Munching on my food, I'm on my laptop studying for midterms. It couldn't be anymore stressful. Dads been on my case but he's oddly been relaxed with mom still asleep. Like "Work hard, Play hard." Or he'll say, "I want to meet all of you're friends and even you have someone special." Acting odd. Thank goodness he doesn't know about Jay.

After about an hour, I hear the front door being unlocked.

"Jay?" Running over to the door, it opens to reveal that it's Gray.

"Gray? What are you doing here?" He smiles and holds up a bag full of goodies. He closes the door and go into the living room.

"I just wanted to check up on you. It can get lonely being in this big house." I just nod at him agreeing. I sit on the couch next to him as he starts pulling out treats, sweets and alcohol! We turn on a movie as back ground noise.

Gray asked, "So how are you doing?"

I reply, "Good, you?"

"No I mean how are you being with Jay?" I hesitate to answer.

"What do you mean?"

"How I said it. I know Jay keeps a girl around him so he doesn't feel lonely. Normally I don't care but you're different."

"Different how?"

"You're not this money hungry, high class chick. You're sweet and caring. Going to school and working. Trying to take care of your family."

"You seem to know a lot about me and I know little about you." He just smiles taking a sip of his drink.

"What do you want to know? I'm an open book."

"Why do you care so much?"

"I don't know. You remind me of my little sister. I just want to protect you."

"From what?"

He ignores my question. "I have a question. Why are you staying with him?" So Gray doesn't know about our agreement.

"I really like him. He is funny and hardworking. Is very cocky but has the talent to back it up. And there are times where he is so sweet that I forget about the all the bad in the world."

He starts laughing. Hard.

"You're falling for him. I knew it. I wonder how long it'll take you."

"Take for what?"

He glances and me, "For you to leave him. Once he's done with someone, he treats them horribly. I don't want you to go through that.

"I think everyone is like that with they're exs." I say trying to lighten the mood.

Hearing my phone buzz on the table, I grab it and open it. Jay just texted me.

"Be home soon"

I say, "Oh Jay's back already?"

"Yeah, they just landed a couple minutes ago. Well I better go. I'll see you later."

We both get up and I walk him to the door.

"Yeah, it was nice seeing you. Stop over anytime." He puts on his shoes and leans closer to me. He whispers, "You deserve better." Smiles and walks out.


Waiting for my car at the airport, Sik-k and cha cha start teasing me.

"Oh the booty must be good for you to be in a hurry." Sik-k says. Cha cha laughs adding, "Naw, he misses his school girls smart mouth."

Unamused I say, "Will y'all shut up? And I miss both." Getting my car, I quickly hop in.

Pulling up to my house, all I wanted to do was relax with Ivory. Parking in the drive way, I send a quick text to Ivory.

Grabbing my stuff out the back, the front door opens. Expecting Ivory, I'm shocked to see its Gray.

He start going down the steps then hesitates spotting me.

Grays greets me, "Aye you back already?"

With my bag in hand, I close the trunk and go over to Gray. "Yeah, just got in. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Just seeing how Ivory is doing."

"Why?" He just shakes his head

"I can't just come by?" I let it go not wanting  to cause anymore tension.

"Yeah, that's why you have a key right?"


As he starts to get in his car, I ask, "Aye send me a copy of that beat you're working on. We need to see who wants to collab on it."

"Got it boss."

Getting inside I see Ivory cleaning off the table in the living room.

I watch as she looks up at me. Sparks went into her eyes as her cheeks raised into a smile.

"Jay!" She stands, running over hugging me. Embracing her, not knowing I missed her scent. After a moment she let's go with an awkward expression.

"Sorry." She says.  I get closer to her and touch her waist.

"No I wish you would touch me more." Her face drops to my disappointment.

"Wow." She turns away but I grab her and embrace her again.

"I did miss you."

"Good to know." She let's me hold her for awhile longer then I thought.

"Can you let me go so I can study for midterms?"

"Of course, we wouldn't want your father hating me." She goes into the kitchen and giggles.

"He would hate me, he doesn't even know about you."

"Right." I forgot that her father didn't want her to know that he was aware of our relationship.

"When are your midterms?" I ask.

She huffs, "I take them all tomorrow, I'm not looking forward to it."

"From what I know your grades are amazing."

"I know but I still stress and want to cover everything I can. Things that professor didn't teach nor was in the book."

Oh she's an overachiever.

"Well I'll leave you to it."

Going to my office, I go through my emails while sipping on a drink.

Before I know it, the suns down and its getting late. I go to the kitchen to see Ivory at the table sleeping on her notebook. Her wild curls covering her face and part of the notebook

Getting closer to her I her curls to get a peak at her peacefully in her beauty. I can't believe she's mine.

I position her to where I could pick her up princess style.

Going up the stairs she starts moving around. Once in her room she slowly opens her eyes.

Half asleep she says, "Wait let me go back and study."

"No, you need to sleep." I put her in bed and she starts protesting.

"Noooooooo." I put her pillow under her head and blanket over her. The 'no' slowly slid into silence. Then she burrito'd herself up then all I hear is light snores.

I sit down on the bed next to her.

"That was so cute. So you get whiny when you're sleepy. I wonder what else I don't know about you." 

Crush my Heart to Pieces (AMBW) (Jay Park)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora