Ash to Dust:13

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Ivory POV:

I couldn't focus all day today. All I wanted to do was hit myself for starting to think of him as a human being for him. His charm, His swag. How hard working he is and easy on the eyes.

After classes we stop at our favorite café. "I'm surprised that he doesn't see me as a child." I say talking to Hyeon. Sipping her drink, she makes this stank face. I just wanted to relax at the café.

Hyeon completely ignored me and asked, "Wait? Eun Jung? You met her?"

"Did you not listen to anything I've been saying?"

"I can't believe that you are around famous people." After she said that, I get upset with her.

"Can you be my best friend for two seconds?" I take my drink and started walking out of the café doors.

"Ivory!?" Hyeon calls out, following me but we're both stopped outside.

"Ivory." Jay stands before us smiling.

He glances at Hyeon and asks, "Do you mind if I talk with Ivory for a moment?"

"No." I say to Hyeon, "Yes." She replies.

He laughs at me. "I wasn't asking you." He takes my hand pulling me along with him.

"Ow Jay." Complaining as I yank my hand back.

He asks the dumbest question. "What's my name?" I roll my eyes at him.

"Do that again and I will spank you." I just bust out laughing.

"Are you serious? What is you're problem now?"

"You're my problem. who said you can disrespect me over text? This right here is changing. You will be home today right after school."


"I will add more days."

"You can't do that!"

"You must have not read correctly but it states that I can."

"But that's unfair." I fold my arms and start pouting.

"Are you a fucking child? Do as I say." I bite my lip holding back my words.

"Yes DADDY." Uh he's annoying! He starts walking back towards his car.

I stop in my tracks and turn back to him, "Wait! We're you leaving for the week? How would you even know if I was home?"

"Cameras? Guards? Oh and Summer will be with you since Nari is off." He comes back over to me and kisses me on my forehead getting looks from others around.

"Jay." I say surprised.

"Be good and you'll get a surprise when I get home. Bye." Watching him leave makes my heart pound. Am I going to miss him?

Going back to Hyeon, she's smiling ear to ear. She was far enough to not hear the conversation but saw the forehead kiss.

"Omo! I'm watching a drama!" Laughing while shaking my head at her. We link arms as we start walking back to the dorms.

"It's more like a nightmare."

She continued on with her story. "Yes! The main girl wanted in a love war. The main guy has a first love. This would be even better if there was a third guy. Who's the second lead couple?!"

I just go along with her, "Oh that would be Gina and Simon." Speaking of Gina, she was walking our way.

We both greet her. "Gina!"

"Hey girls. What yall up too?"

"Nothing really." Hyeon replied.

"Great! Let's have a sleepover at my place. While it's Simons place until I have his last name. Anyways the guys are gone, so we can party! No classes tomorrow right?" We both shake our head.

I add "I do work."

"That's at 10pm. Come on. It'll be great!" Driving to Simon's house, it's so cozy and open. The back yard is huge.

Gina gets us drinks excited, "Yay! I'm sorry I'm so excited. For the past two years I've been here I haven't been able to make good friends. But the moment I meant the both of you, I knew it was meant to be." Hyeon almost tears up.

"Awww group hug!" She says pulling me into their girl bonding hug.

We turn on movies and go on about the places we've been, family, love. In the middle of them talking I go back to my text messages. What message ticked Jay off earlier today?

J: Ivory please answer your phone

I: you can't get everything you want plus I'm in class.

J: then why are you texting me?

I: cause I'm working on a project.

J: I want to talk to you about this morning

I: why? Wont your girlfriend get upset?

J: she's not my girlfriend.

I: really cause she came in with a key and got real comfortable.

J: Why don't you believe me?

I: Cause you bought a 20 year old!

"Shit!" I didn't mean to say it like that. I can see now why he was acting like that.

Gina looks at me worried. "What's wrong Ivory?"

"Oh nothing, just forgot to tell Jay that I'll be here."

"Oh the boys know. I sent our pics in the group chat."

"Y'all have a group chat?" Gina shows me.

"Yeah, Gray, pumpkin, Hoody, Simon, Jay, G2, Ugly Duck, Cha Cha, Sik k and I use it to make fun of each other. Here let me add you."

I get her notification from that and a text from Jay.

J: Thanks for letting me know. Have fun and that's one more day added.

I start laughing. He really is not playing.

Going back to traveling talk, Gina tells us how she was home schooled.

I ask, "All over the world?"

"Yup. My uncle's job took me everywhere. I loved it. Once I was able to go to college, I chose to stay here. I didn't know that it was the best decision till I met Simon."

Hyeon asks, "How did you meet?"

"Well it's kinda sad but I went out on a date to this really nice restaurant. The date was kinda cocky and trying to show off cause I was a foreigner. The whole time I could see Simon's head pop out from the booth across from us. After my date nonstop talking, he gets a text and leaves me with the bill. Simon soon walks over and gets the manager explaining that my date skipped out on the bill."

"He didn't?"

"He did! Then offers to take me on a real, better date. That night we went out to an amusement park and had the time of my life. From then on, he's been by my side. He doesn't ask anything of me but my love." Her expression was so beautiful. This is a woman in love. Will I ever be that lucky?

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