Sparkle to Dim:20

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"Fine." I say to Ivory. I know that she's upset with me but I need her. 

The rest of the car ride was silent. Stopping in front of Simons house, Ivory jumps out not saying anything to me. 

Driving off, I turn on my music going to my mothers house. Going inside, my mom is on the couch with Eun Jung upset. 

The moment my mother saw me she jumped up to her feet towards me.

"What is this I hear about another female?"

I shook my head. I'm already over today. "Mom you knew that Eun Jung and I broke up long ago." That didn't calm her down.

"But you are still promised to each other. This other woman..."

I watched as Eun Jung just sat there enjoying the show.

Something in me snapped. "Ivory! Her name is Ivory and I want to be with her. I don't care how long we are going to last. But as of right now, there is no Eun Jung and I. Eun Jung if you don't stop this you will lose my respect and our friendship."

Mother sat back down and laughed, "You're going to end up just like your sister. She married into a poor family and they killed her!"

"Do not bring Lena into this. Lena had a great life and was happily married and had a family."

"She was a fool and gave birth to a sick child."

"Sick? Whos sick." She rolls her eyes. "You means was. Chung passed away a couple of months ago." The moment she said it, I didn't want to believe it at first. 

"What?" I suddenly started feeling dizzy.

"Chung is dead. Lena was weak-"

"And you didn't tell me? Did you even go to his funreal?"

"Why would I?"

"You are so shameless." My father emerges from his room and slaps me with so much force I fall.

"Don't ever speak to your mother that way." 

I hold my face, so angry that tears force their way out. Standing back up I lean against the wall, "You are just as bad. All Lens did was fall in love. If this is what it means to be in this family, I don't want any part of it." I turn to leave.

"Are you really going to leave us over some female?"

Stopping in the entrance, I turn back to my mother, "Yes, I'm leaving because I finally see what Lena was fighting for. Freedom."

Ivory POV

As soon as he stops I run inside before the tears streamed down my face. I knock on the door and Gina had a bowl of ice cream in her hands. The moment she saw me the ice cream was forgotten. 

She sat me down and I told her everything. The more I told, the more upset she was at Jay and I.

"Are you kidding me Ivory?"

"I-I think I love him." Stating as I cried into my hands. She came over to me and comforted me.

"Aww I'm sorry but you should have known something like this was going to happen."

"I did and I tried everything I could to not fall for him but I couldn't. No matter how cold he was or how many dumb things he asked me to do or go. All my heart can remember are the times he made me smile or laugh or any time I felt warmth and thankful towards him. It's like there isn't anymore room in his heart for anyone else. I want to know why. I want to stay by his side till I can break his cold heart. Why am I so stupid?"

Crush my Heart to Pieces (AMBW) (Jay Park)Where stories live. Discover now