Faith to Destiny:26

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Author POV

Ivory is so conflicted on if she should tell her parents about Aurora being in Seoul. All she could think about is, what if Aurora knew and planned to break up the family too. But if that was the case, Aurora would know who Ivory is right?

Ivorys been going to Sunrise and Twilight for a couple of days in the past weeks. Even signed up for the weekly poetry slam.

Hyeon was overly excited for Ivory, "I can't believe after all this time, you're finally going to let someone hear your poems."

"Gurl." Ivory wanted her to calm down. Gina was already there at another table meeting with an old friend and wanted to support Ivory.

Hyeon sips her coffee, "I'm just saying, I wish you would have majored in journalism with me."

Ivory shook her head. "I don't want to go into something that's just a hobby."

They call Ivory and stage and it's almost like the words slide off her tongue

You broke my heart.
You picked it up.
So nice, so gently.
And knew that it bleeds.
It needs a soul to be cared for.
You had my sunshine in your hands
As you let it seep through your palms
When you gazed upon at my heart,
The darkness told you it needed to be destroyed.
It was a gift from the heavens
But you let so much hurt go inside.
Haven't you been through enough?
The sacrifices made to you.
Where does this leave me?
Are you enjoying how much pain you've caused?
Have mercy on your soul.
Once you let the sun in,
I will love you so.
Even my broken heart
Awaits for your awaking.

She quickly runs off stage as the crowd snaps their fingers. She sat back down next to Hyeon.

Hyeon noticed a single tear fall down Ivorys face before she wiped it and smiled.

Hyeon hugged her, "Wow that was powerful!"

"Oh um thanks."

Gina quickly goes over to them with her friend.

"Omg girl, I didn't know you had talent like that." Her friend wipes her tears and hugs me.

Surprised Ivory just hugged her back. "Oh wow okay."

The friend lets go and introduces herself, "Sorry, I'm Tae by the way and I'm super emotional. Who ever broke your heart, I will hurt them."

"Was it that obvious?"

Gina made this oppisy face and Hyeon shook her head and replies, "Noooo. Nooo. Yes. But way good."

Tae gets a texts and goes on her way.

Gina sits down and spots Aurora. She waves her down and Aurora starts strolling towards them. Ivory panicked inside. She didn't know what to say or do.

Gina quickly says, "So Ivory, you know that Mistress recommended some of our coworkers to work here."

"I mean I don't know."

"You know tomorrow is my last day. Here it'll be a new start. Plus you'll be closer to her." As soon as she says that Aurora arrives greeting everyone. Ivory froze not knowing how to act.

"Gina! Hey!" Gina get up and hugs her."Come sit down."

She greets everyone, "Hey what brings yall here?"

Gina replies, "Just relaxing. Ivory here just went on stage."

Aurora turns her attention to Ivory and smiles."Oh yes that was beautiful. This is what kind of place I wanted to have. People can come here and express themselves with any judgement."

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