Death to Soul:7

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The car was a quiet ride as he was on the phone with one of his artist. It seems that they use the club times for business for then anything.

Arriving I was about to get out when Jay locked the door.

I turn to him, "What now?"
"I will always open the door for you coming and going." Great another rule. What next? I can't talk to any strange guy?

"Also Gina is here. Stay close to her and stay away from any weird people. Mostly other males."

I force a smile. "Sure whatever."

"Good girl." He cuffs my face, leaning in closer like he was about to kiss me. I didn't move but Why? I think I want to see if Jays kiss is different then Hyunwoos.

I jerk my head away and look out window on my side. I hear him get out then come on my side to open the door for me.

He takes my hand and holds it. We start walking towards the club. There was a long line at the door. I expected to wait in line but Jay was going right inside.

The 3 bouncers bowed, opening the door.
As soon as they did, I felt like I was in another world. The dance floor was filled with couples and friends dancing the night away. The bar serving drinks. The DJ filling the club with lit music.

I follow him up the stairs to another floor. Hiding behind Jay, I started seeing familiar faces.

"Gina!" I quickly let go of Jay to go sit down next to Gina and Simon.

As soon as I do, Simon gets up and follows Jay into the back along with other artist, producers and workers.

"Gina, where are they going?"

"To discuss business. You know how you think they party all the time? Well no. It's work 24/7. Simon comes home from work and I'll wake up finding him in his studio. But anyway, I can't believe your dating Jay now. What made you change your mind?"

Blackmail. "I just wanted to take a gamble and see if we'll work out. Nothing too big."

"I'm surprised."

"Why is that?"

"Because Hyunwoo really likes you."

"He does? Are you sure? I mean, we're just really good friends."

"I see the way, he looks at you. How he comes to you for comfort. That boi is in love but too bad you're now taken." Yeah too bad.

Then Gina bounces in her seat scaring me.
"Omg girl!! Jay is the best man!! This is perfect. Know I have both of you in the wedding." I just smile and nod trying to act excited.

Sitting there, I look down to see the clubers dancing on the dance floor swaying to the beat of the music. Moving like there free to make any move they want.

"Lets get drinks."

"Uh okay." She leaves towards the bar. I watch her but caught the eye of Gray, AOMG rapper and producer. I quickly my head back, facing forward.

Gina soon comes back with 2 drinks that were blue, with a straw that had a pineapple on the end of it.

I reach for it, "Thank you." I take it and bring it to my lips. As soon as it hit my tongue, I was in bliss.

"This is sooo good."

"Isn't it?" She agreed, drinking hers as well.

"Do you want to dance?" I nod. I take a big sip of my drink and follow Gina. I glace back at the Bar but Gray wasn't there.

Instead of going back down stairs, we go to the back where Jay had went. We go to the door that had a bouncer there. He sees Gina and opens the door for us.

She smiles and pulls me in. There were fewer people and everyone had headphones on dancing.

What kind of club is this?

"This is used so its alot more quieter back here. Also normally people text when they talk. Its super cool." She grabs two and puts one on my head, then pushes in a button making them. They buzz and turn green, slowly having the music turn on.

"This is sooo cool!" She turns hers on too and starts dancing. I've never danced outside of my bedroom. I start swinging my hips and moving like Gina.

At some point I just went off on my own and started feeling free. I suddenly feel hands on my hips and turn to see Jay. He smiles and sways with me. I hold him as the music goes on.

I look over to Gina and Simon. Simon has Gina in his arms. She lays her head back on his chest smiling.

They are so cute. I have to admit I did have lots of fun.

Before leaving I go to the restroom with Gina.

It was so hard to move this dress around to sit on the toilet and the heels didn't make it any better.

Gina heard me huffing and started laughing.

"Girl I don't even know how I got this thing on." I laugh back making her chuckle even harder. 

Getting home those red bottom heels are the first thing to come off.

"Night." I say going up the stairs.

"Wait." I stop and turn to him.

"Yes Jay?" He smiles. "Did you have fun tonight?"

"Of course. Thanks." I gave a quick smile and run up the stairs to my room. Closing the door, I strip out of this death trap dress and take a long cold shower.

Maybe be Jays slave won't be so bad. If he only wants me for parties, I'm down with that.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm trying to keep up with writing this story so as I finish one chapter, I begin another. I hope the story is coming out well.
Thanks again

Crush my Heart to Pieces (AMBW) (Jay Park)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora