Desire to useful:29

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Ivory finds Jay in the dance room. With how hard, hes hitting moves, she could tell he was furious. Jay sees her in the mirror and stops. The sudden eye contact make her jump. 

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." She slowly walks in.

"No its uh its okay. You can come in, I wont bite." He goes to the back to drink his water.

Ivory smiles a bit, "I've never seen you in your work setting. Like being busy and making music. It's nice to see another side of you."

Jay nodded agreeing. "Thanks. You too. You're really helping us out there."

"I can only be part time with my other job and school but its going."

"Yeah, how is school by the way?"

She leaned against the wall and smirked. "Different classes, same professors, easy for writing papers."

After a bit of silence, Jay gets closer to her and Ivory doesn't move away either. "Why are you here Ivory?"

Taken back from the question she shrugs her shoulders unsure. "I-I don't know. I guess I just wanted to see you. But you know what, never mind." She turns to leave but Jay grabs her hand stopping her.

"Shit Ivory I didn't mean to sound like an ass. It's just that I tried to get in contact with you for weeks."

"I wasn't ready Jay. This is the first time I've ever gone through this. I just never understood why you did it." He wouldn't let go her. 

"I tried to explain. Look Ivory. I'm sorry. I pushed you away because you were starting to become someone I couldn't live without."

She pulled back her hand, giving him an angry expression. "Well you have a great way of showing it when you took my virginity and then threw me away." His face soften. His eyes threw the word sorry.

"I did not mean to hurt you the way I did. I didn't mean to hurt you at all. I've been wanting to make it up to you. I even have your dad at one of my properties."

Ivory was surprised, "Your the friend who gave him a special deal to live there?"

"Yeah but I didn't want to get involved with your family affairs so I didn't say anything."

Ivory starts to get curious. "How has my dad been doing?"

"Honestly terrible. He works, comes home and drinks himself to sleep. It's not good for his health. He needs his family."

"Well not me. I will not be speaking to him again. Tell him that."

"Does this have to do with your sister?" Ivory eyes darted away. 

"He abandon his family Jay. Just up and left his wife and daughter. I'm sorry but I will not be betrayed by other person."

Jay nodded agreeing with her. "I still think that you should let them talk to each other."

"What if she gets hurt from him randomly showing up."

"Well you work with her already. Maybe if you slowly open it up to her, it'll be better."

"How?! Just walk up to her and say 'Hey by the way I'm your younger half Korean sister. That'll never work."

"Then talk it over with your father. This is something he has to do."

"I'll think about it." Ivory walks around thinking until Jay stops her. 

"Sorry I didn't tell you about everything. We weren't exactly on speaking terms."

"it's okay. It made me realize that we weren't even real to begin with."

"Ivory, you became real to me. If I could redo that night I would tell you-."

"You can't. It's too late. Jay I've moved on." 

"Wait Ivory, Can we still be apart of each other life."

"I'll see you around when I'm with Gina."

"No I mean, I want us to be friends."

"Mh maybe." She messes with him making a serious face pretending to think. She looks at him from the corner of her eye trying not to smile but broke when Jay pulls her into his arms and laughs with her. It's something that was needed between the both of them. 

He looks into her eyes and asks, "Friends?"

"Of course but this doesn't mean I forgive you. If you want us to be close you have to prove to me why I should still be in your life."

"Yeah, I promise to be a good friend. We can still hang out."

"No more parties unless I want to go to them. Were going to do stuff that is fun for me too."



Having her in front of my is surreal. Getting to talk to her again. Seeing her beautiful smile but I also seen that shes changed a bit.

I laugh with her, "Agreed, only a party or two."

"Hey!" She laughs with me.

Gina comes in and smiles looking for Ivory."

"Hy- um, Your ride is here."

"My ride." She goes to leave while I start gathering my stuff.

Going towards my office, I overhear Simon and Gina talking.

"I can't believe she's dating so soon." Simon comments.

I say to myself, 'Shes dating who? Ohh I'm going back on my bullshit.'

Gina points out, "But he makes her happy. You didn't see her when she was in the slums." I turn and bolt to the front desk of the building looking for Ivory.

I spot Hyunwoo speaking with Ivory. Excited to see my nephew, I go towards them only to stop when Hyunwoo begins kissing Ivory. My blood boiled with no end.

"No you're not." I yelled causing the both of them to stop. 

Confused Ivory turns to me surprised but replies, "Not what?"

"Dating him." Ivory grabs my arm and pulls me away to another part of the hallway. 

"I'm dating him now. This has nothing to do with you."

All logic was gone for me, "Like hell it does."

"Jay please don't do this." She begged but I wasn't hearing it.

 "No you signed a contract with me! It's not up until August." Fuck why did I even bring that up. She was just starting to open back up to me. 

"Does that count when you fucked and kissed other women? I found you with 3 other women. 3! From what I know that contract is annulled."

"Then you have to pay back every cent."

Hyunwoo comes up behind her and takes her from me, "I'll pay her way out."

I point at him. "You say out of this. She is mine."

"How is she yours when she doesn't even want you?"

"Because she will always crave me. Shes just using you to get over me. I was her first kiss, first crush, first everything."

Ivory goes closer to Hyunwoo holding on to him. "You were also my first mistake, my first heartbreak, first person to let me down. You may still own me but you don't own my heart anymore. You can have a fit or throw your power around but if you want to have me around, you have to change. I am not an object. I am not a subject. I am a person. A woman. I am Ivory. Until you see that, just stay away from me."

That's when it hit me. "Ivory please."

"No Jay. This is not all about you anymore. If you want me in your life as friends, you need to change so I'll be apart of it. Goodbye Jay." As she took Hyunwoo's hand in hers walking away, I finally understood how hurt she must have been. I need her and if I have to be friends first in order for that to happen then so be it. 

○●○● Happy new year! I miss you guys! Btw I missed Jay coming back to the states. I'm so sad! Who went to see him? Thanks for reading!●○●○

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