Dusk to Dawn:15

941 32 4

Ivory POV

Waking up I'm so confused. How did I get to bed last night? And second, do I smell bacon?

Getting ready, I run down stairs to the kitchen to see Jay sitting at the table.

Sitting down next to him, the table is filled with American breakfast. French toast, eggs and BACON!

"Good morning." I greet him.

"Morning. Are you ready for midterms." Adding food to my plate, I nod.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Eating in silence, a million questions go through my mind.

"How was the tour?" Taking a sip of his coffee, he replies, "Great! I got to meet a lot of my fans and do what I love. Next time I'll have to take you with me and meet the rest of the gang. Speaking of which, there's a party we need to go to tonight."

Taking a bite of the bacon I reply, "Great...Do I still have to call you Daddy?"

He smirks and glares at me. "Only when your naughty."

"I'm always naughty."

He drops his toast on the plate in frustrated. "How are you fighting with me in less then 24 hours? It's like you enjoy this."

"Who would like spending time with you?"

He just smiles at me then whispers, "They were right."

Jay drops me off at school on his way to the office. As soon as I step out the car, Hyeon is on the another side of the fountain with my father.

OH shit. It was too late. My father already spotted me get out of a strange mans car. They both walk over to me. Jay parked the car and got out standing next to me.

My father smiles and waves.

"Hello Jay." My heart skipped a beat to him greeting Jay. Jay quickly get out of his car and bows to him. 

"Hello Mr. Rose. I was just dropping Ivory off from taking her to breakfast for good luck."

Dad smiles to us and nods.
"Yes! She needs a full belly to fill her brain. Thank you for taking care of her." Hyeon face of horror matched my thoughts. 

Unsure of what to say, Jay answers my question.

"Your dad and I have met before. I'm sorry for keeping from you. I know you were worried he wouldn't approve a relationship during your studies." Still processing that, I just watch how comfortable they are with each other. 

Dad added, "But that isn't the case because you're still doing great." Dad embraces me. "I can't wait until your mother wakes up. She going to be so proud."

Wrapping my arms around him, I hug him tighter. "I know, I miss her too." Letting him go I hold back my tears. It's been rough not having her to talk to. Anytime I'm faced with a problem she always has the right answer. 

Dad looks to Hyeon and I and pumps his fist. "Good luck." Jay offers him a ride. Accepting my father happily gets into the fancy car. Jay closes his door and gives me this face and smiles. 

"You got this. Don't over think. Trust in yourself." Then points to Hyeon, "You too!" 

Getting closer to Hyeon, we both watch as they take off,

Hyeon giggles saying, "Girl, your dad found me as I was leaving the dorms. I lied and said you went to class early. Speaking of which, how did he find out about you and Jay?"

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