Destiny to freedom:27

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Ivory POV

I finally started working at Sunrise and Twilight and I am so excited.

In the meeting, Kimberly went over our separate jobs. I work with a guy named Jun. He is going to be putting together the designs and art. While I promote, he will be doing the graphics on the websites.

Aurora has been mostly in her office most times I come into work. Luckly we have access to the building when they're closed and those are the times I'll do my homework in my spare time.

So deep into writing my paper, I hear someone shuffle at my table. Looking up Aurora is sitting across from me and rests her head on the table.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask.

She looks up at me and my heart almost stops.

She just shrugs and lays back down.

She responds with, "Yeah. I think so. I'm just tired."

"Why don't you go home and rest?"

"I don't know. I guess I feel safer here. Under my roof, as you could say."

"Yeah I can see that. My favorite thing to do when I'm stressed is to get a cup of tea and watch horror movies even though they scare me. It makes me feel like I'm not going through as much as freddy killing me." She sits up straight and laughs.

"You know I didn't think of it that way but I could definitely try that. Thank you." I suddenly get nervous again. She replies with, "Well I'll let you get back to your work. See you around."

"Yeah see ya."

I later get a text from Hyunwoo to meet him at the library. I arrive about 10 minutes before him. Seeing him I smile.

He waves, "Hey!"

"Hey, wheres the art you were going to show me?" He pulls out his drawing book.

The first few drawings are either from parks or looking over the city. Then moves on to his brother, his parents. Then me.

"Wow you made me beautiful! This is very detailed. You even have my small mole." I giggle. Continuing I stop when it says 'Ivory' and tells me to 'flip the page'.

In calligraphy it states, "Would you like to go on another date?" I can't help but laugh. I look up to Hyunwoo holding a single red rose.

I notice that some students started paying attention.

"Yes I will." I whisper trying to get him to sit down.

"Yes! I promise to make you fall in love with me." He sung. He hands me the rose.

Laughing, I feel so warm inside. "You're so silly."

"Well let go play in some paint."

"Is that our date?"

"It can be but I have a bigger surprise later." He grabs my hand and holds it.

"Let go." I follow as he continues to hold my hand. The whole way out the building, any time someone looked at us, he would point to our hands holding and make a weird face.

"Why you making trouble?"

"Cause that's my middle name." He is too silly but I love it. He makes me laugh and that's what I want to do for the rest of my days.

With Valentine's day coming up, I couldn't be more in the slums. Hyunwoo said that he had to work today.

Hyeon gets upset with me while doing my makeup. "Come on will you stop moping!?"

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