Care to Faith: 25

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Ivory POV

Yes! I have never been so happy to be back at school. Things are back to normal. The normal that I wanted. Other then my parents. I don't even know what to do about them.

Dad told me that he's staying with an old friend and even got a job. He asks how mom is but I know that she has her hands full with the restaurant.

Hyeon and I are at our favorite Cafe but I wanted to try Sunrise & Twilight. Students are raging about it on the page chat too.

I didn't want to pull Gina and Hyeon into the drama but I had to explain what happened at Jay's place.

Hyeon and I head there after school and its packed. Drinking my iced coffee while typing my paper on my laptop, Hyeon gets my attention.

"Is that her?" I look up to Aurora speaking with a manager behind the counter. She is gorgeous. I can see some features that she gets from dad. I think I stared a bit to long cause she looked up at me. I quickly goes back typing on my laptop.

"Wow you guys look alike. This is soo cool. Let's go talk to her." I quickly stop her.

"No! Um I can't. I don't know what I want to do."

We just go back to doing homework.

She gets my attention again.  "Ohh Ivory, there's a going back to school party tonight. Let's go."

"I think I'm partied out."

Making a sad face she begged me, "Come on, I'm sure you can find a new boo."

I frown at her. "I am not looking for a man."

She looks beside me and points across the room. "Speaking of men, Isn't that Hyunwoo? We haven't seen him since Gina's wedding."

"He's probably busy, don't call him over here." Before I could finish, Hyeon got up and grabbed him.

I saw him smile but Hyeon pointed to me and his whole face brightened. They come back over and they both sit down.

Smiling I greet him. "Hey Hyunwoo, what you up too?"

"One of my art friends told me that this place is looking for art work to display on the club side and Cafe side. Oh did you know they do poetry here too?"

Hyeon adds. "They have everything. They even have study rooms."

I agree with them. "This place is so cool."

Hyunwoo looks at me, "So Ivory are you busy Friday night?"

"Yeah, I was going to help at my family restaurant."

"What about Saturday?"

"I work-"

Hyeon interrupted me, "I'll work your shift at the restaurant and give you the money, okay?"

"You dont have any plans?"

"Ivory go."

"Okay okay. I guess I'm free."

"Perfect!" Hyunwoo jumped up from his seat.

"Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise but I'll text you with more details of when I'll pick you up. I better get going and add my portfolio. See you guys."

"Bye." As soon as he leaves, I mean mug her.

"What??" She pretends.

"What If I'm not ready to date again? Plus Hyunwoo is super sweet."

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