Useful to reliable:30

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Ivory POV

It's February 14th and Sunrise & Twilight are super busy. My bosses asked most of us to come in to help with that club. I mostly help guide people from place to place if they had questions. You'll be surprised how lost you can get while drunk. In the middle of me guiding a group to the game room I surprisingly see Gray with the AOMG crew.

The moment Gray sees me, he goes and hugs me. I really did miss him.

"Ahh Ivory! I've missed you so much kid."

Smiling, I say, "Thanks. I didn't know you would be here?"

"Yeah I have a special meeting with someone."

"Still breaking hearts?" I tease.

"Always." I spot Jay behind Loco. Jay and I haven't spoken since the incident last weekend. I know he wants to be friends but his reaction makes me want to keep him at a distance. I won't have him ruin my relationship.

I greet the rest of AOMG and pat Gray on his arm. "Well I got to get back to work. Control yourself."

Strolling more into the room, I ignore Jay, not wanting to be more stressed then I already am.

"Wait Ivory." I take a deep breathe before I turn to him. 

"Please Jay, Can I just enjoy my night with no drama."

"I'm sorry that I acted that way the other night. I think that it was just so sudden."

"I get that but it's my relationship. Jay we need to move forward so we can be cool again."

Behind me, I hear Gray yell, "Let's go party!"

Jay's brown eyes locked on to mine. "I won't give up on us." Then he walks away. I turn to see him catch up to the group. I didn't realize that Aurora standing there watching us.

I go over to her and she's grinning, "So you and Jay."

"Yeah we had a thing going on but it's over."

She asks me, "Does he know that?"

"Yeah but I don't think he's listening."

"From what Gray has told me, Jay hasn't had the best of luck in relationships. Now your dating Mistress nephew. I see him from time to time bringing you food. It's so sweet."

"Yeah, Hyunwoo does makes me happy."

"Did you know that Mistress is Kimberly's stepmother?"

"What? Really?" Oh wow, Does everyone know everyone?

"Yeah, she never told you?"

"If you meet Mistress you know she's not always straight forward with certain things." That made her laugh.

"Don't I know it."She agrees. 

Wait that means Hyunwoo is related to Kimberly.

"You okay?" She asked me worried. 

"I'm dating my boss's cousin."

Aurora smirks. "She already knows. Your fine. She likes that he's finally opening up to someone. They've lost so many people already." I nod agreeing. 

I smile at her as we start heading back towards the dance floor. Out of no where this drunk guy bumps Aurora spilling his drink on her. I don't know how but I saw her eyes go red. She is pissed. Quickly I drag her through the crowd up the stairs and to her office.

I sit her down and go get a towel from the closet. From the look on her face, I could tell she had a lot more worries then just today. "You need a breather?"

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