Freedom to Desire:28

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Author POV

Gina had Ivory over to have a girls day. In between them both starting new jobs, relationships and school, they had to make time for each other.  In the middle of watching a movie, Simon ran out in a panic.

Gina tries to calm Simon down"Hunny, What's going on?"

"Theres an emergency at work. It seems like the numbers are way off. Not including one of our investors is visiting in 3 days. On top of that we have our lawyers with one of our producers over a lawsuit with another company."

Gina offers, "Did you want me to come look at the books?"

"Would you please. Ivory you could come along."

"I don't know much but I'll try to be of help."

Even Simon knows that having Ivory around gave Jay more strength.

Arriving, they greet some of the staff.

Gina explains who Ivory is. "She an old coworker of mine, I brung Ivory along to help out."

The HR manager greets her. "Sweet we really need someone to go through our ideas for h1gher music and AOMG."

Ivory perked up. "Oh I can help with that."

"Perfect, You come with me." She follows her to a big conference room. With paper all over and multiple laptops and people just typing away.

"I will show you the ropes then let you go. Also you will be getting paid for this. Oh and you'll get free food."


Ivory gets started, catching on alot faster then she thought. Before she knew it, it was 11 PM and she was bone tired. There was 2 people already passed out in their seat.

Gina goes to find Ivory. "Ivory sorry were on over time. I've never been here while it was this crazy."

"I just can't believe how big this business is."

"Yeah alot goes into it. So to save time they do have beds here if you don't mind sharing one with me."

"Yeah of course!" Ivory was glad she brung her bag with her for when she was going to sleep over Ginas.

Jay comes back from the gym and stopped at home before going to work. It was 3AM and he was surprised to see Gina sneaking into Simon's office.

Gina points down the hall. "Shuuh. Ivorys sleep in room A4."

"Oh Uh thanks." Jay was about to go to his office when his feet went straight to her room. He stood in front of A4 which seemed like forever. He put in the code and goes in. His heart jumped seeing her peacefully on the bed. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

This whole time, he's been trying to forget her, but all he wanted to do was be right next to her. So he did. He took his shoes off and laid right next to her. He propped his head with his arm and watched her.

He didn't know that he missed they way she smelled. Or how he missed coming home to her doing homework. The way her laughs would fill the walls.

"I miss you." As soon as the words came from his mouth she snuggled up to him.

She briefly opened her eyes and smiled. Then closed her eyes again. She cuddled up to his chest and wrapped her arm around his torso.

8AM comes around and Gina comes to get Ivory but is not surprised to see Jay and Ivory spooning each other. She smirks then closes the door making a sound.

They both slowly woke up. Ivory loved the warm body that was behind her. Even the smell soothe her.

"If you keep wiggling like that, you're going to wake him up." She jumped and rolled away from him. He quickly grabs her stopping her from falling off the bed. They both sit up and just stare into eachothers eyes, not knowing what to say.

Ivory was shocked to see him, so close. She just wanted to jump into his arms and kiss him. But then feeling love made her feel the pain.

Jay watches as she looked from eye to eye. He saw her crinkle her eyebrows thinking then her face soften and her nose flared. He knew she was upset.

"I-I'm sorry. I'll go." He jumps out the bed putting on his shoes and goes to the door. Gina was already there waiting. They made eye contact as he walked by.

Gina goes into the room to see Ivory on the bed dumbfounded.

Gina came over to her. "Ivory?"

"Oh hey Gina." Gina was surprised to get a full on smile from her.

"Okay let's get ready, eat and back to work girly."

"Okayyy." Ivory texted Hyeon that she was with Gina. And texted work that she would be working from home.

Ivory POV

Brushing my teeth, I can't help but have Jay's face pop up in my mind. I'm surprised that I didn't cry. Like I was shocked that I laid with him. How long was he there for and where was Gina.

I eye ball her in the mirror till she looked at me.


"How did I end up in bed with him."

"I was sleepwalking on my way to Simon's room."

I roll my eyes at her, "I'm going to kill you."

She brushed her teeth while she was talking. I got out of that, "I love you."

Getting back to work, my mind kept going back to him. I thought that dating Hyunwoo would make me not even think about him. I even dreamt about him.

"Shit." I whispered to myself. I need a coffee break.

Gina and Simon along with other works was in the break room. As soon as I get there Gina jokes with Simon, "Babe, my dream is to not work at Aomg. My dream is to work somewhere, where I get the most benefits, like vacation, free trips, bonuses."

He pulled Gina into his arms. "But the best benefit, is seeing me."

"You really want me to be here when yall have girls come through cause everyone going to die."

"Like I've told you a thousand times, they're dancers or in videos."

"I've meet yall dancers, those don't be dancers but what ever you say."

Gina spots me and smiles.

"Heyy. Hows it going?"

"As much as I expected. Normal office job."

"I meant about this morning." I saw Simon's eyes go wide and he slowly turns around.

I could see in his eyes he knew the whole story. "Simon where is he?"

"Um, he's in the dance room down stairs."

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