"Not to me he ain't. He is an egocentric jerk. He was trying to show off in front of me and what did he get? The coffee spilled on him. Haaa....best day of the week. I'll never forgot this.", jungkook sighed in relief. While Jimin just facepalmed.

"Jungkook-ssi, Youngjae sunbae-nim is calling you from the down stair guest lounge.", a staff informed Jungkook and went away.
Jungkook stood up nodding as he thought it was about the review he gave today morning. But boy....was he wrong.

Jungkook took the elevator to two floors below, heading to the guest lounge as he exited the elevator.
He saw Youngjae standing in front of the door, looking at his clipboard with pure concentration.
"Why did you call me Youngjae hyung?! Is it about the review I gave today?!", Jungkook asked him as he approached.
"Actually..No..kook. Taehyung-ssi asked for you. He is inside the guest lounge. He said he wanted to see you.", Youngjae told Jungkook with an uncomfortable expression knowing that the two males didn't go well together.
Jungkook was a bit shocked and angry to hear that.
"What?! Me?! Why?!", he questioned. "I really don't know he just asked for you. Thats all. Now go. He is waiting", Youngjae replied.

Jungkook nodded and opened the door with a blank face heading inside.
"Took you long enough. What were you doing?!",  Taehyung asked Jungkook angrily frowning his eyebrows sitting on one of the couches in there
"I was busy.", Jungkook replied in a cold tone looking elsewhere.
"You were not busy laughing your ass out at me earlier,Were you?Huh.... and look me in the eyes when I talk to you or you talk to me. Such a coward.", Taehyung spat at Jungkook.

"Wow...just wow!! Who are you question my life, huh?! yahhh..Stop being a jerk. TAEHYUNG!!" , Jungkook said out of anger.
Taehyung snapped when he heard Jungkook talking at him like that. "I called you here to get me some coffee. As you know, the one I had spilled on me. So... I want my coffee. And I want you to go and get it. From the place that I want.", Taehyung said with a smirk, making Jungkook widen his eyes.
Jungkook spat back "EXCUSE ME...... Who do you think- "
"If you don't do it, the company gets it. I'll cancel the photoshoot." Taehyung said cutting Jungkook off mid-sentence, making Jungkook shocked...a lot. Eventually giving up.

"One caramel latte with no cream on top from the Sunshine Cafe. Here is the address." Taehyung handed a piece of paper in which something was written and smirked.
Jungkook looked down at the address gasping seeing where the cafe was.
"Its a 20 minute walk from here. Are you kidding me?", Jungkook asked with a rage filled tone.
"Who said to walk? You can take your car or a taxi if you don't have one. I just need what I ordered by any means. Thats all to it. By the way, I need it before the break ends. Got it...JEON?", Taehyung replied with a deep voice.

Jungkook bursted out of the guest lounge fuming and went to the elevator to go down at the lobby. He got out of the building and called for a taxi. He got in as the Taxi driver stopped and handed him the paper as he was in no mood to talk to ANYONE.
Within 7 minutes, the taxi stopped in front of the cafe Jungkook wanted to get the coffee from. He got out after paying the driver and headed inside. Lucky for him, there wasn't any crowd at all despite being the time for breaks. He sighed and placed his order for one caramel latte takeaway. The girl at the register told him to wait for 2 minutes. Jungkook was staring out the glass window of the cafe. Suddenly Jungkook swifly turned his head when he heard a loud crash. Two cars and a truck collided just across the street resulting in a huge traffic jam at the junctiom. He turned his head away as he remembered it was the same way his parents died when he was six. He was shocked to it happen in front of his eyes and gasped not looking at it. Just then the whole staff from the cafe rushed towards the glass windows to see what happened. The girl at the register came and tapped on Jungkook's shoulder and handed Jungkook's order as she was looking back and forth at what was happening outside.

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