Chapter 19: That's What He Said

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What just happened? Jay and Harry dated? Okay Thaila, don't freak out. But they DATED. I thought I was about to puke.

"Thaila, are you okay? You look a little pale," Harry asked.

"I'm fine," I assured him. "Just a bit grossed out that you and my best friend went out."

"You and Jay are best friends?" Harry gasped.

"Yea. You didn't know that?" I replied.

"I was being sarcastic smart one. I knew you two were pretty close ever since you met."

"Oh. Well my brain isn't fuctioning very well at the moment."

"Why? It's not like we did anything nasty. Well there was that one time....."


"I'm kidding Thaila. I kid I kid," he laughed. I gave him a dirty look. Zayn came in the room along with Cher, Claire and none other than Jay.

"Harry!" Jay shrieked. She ran up and hugged him.

"Hey! No PDA!" I yelled at them, pulling them apart.

"PDA? Since when have you ever cared about that Mrs. KIss-Niall-All-The-Time?" Jay scofted.

"I do NOT kiss him all the time!" I spat.

"That's not what Niall said. He said you always kiss him and then you-" I cut her off. I didn't want to know what else he said we do. Don't do. Whatever the heck it is.

"This is about Harry. Not me and Niall's imaginary relationship," I snapped at her. She stuck her tounge out at me. I returned the favor.

"Could you guys uh, give me and Jay a minute?" Harry asked us.

"Sure," Cher said. "Let's go guys." We all left the room. But I had the feeling that I should hear what they're saying. 

"Hold on. I need to use the restroom," I told Zayn. He nodded. I rushed back to Harry's room. I put my ear to the door. I missed part of the conversation, but I started at a juicy spot.

"- I love you Harry," I hear Jay whisper. 

 "I love you too Jay," Harry sighed. What the fudge did I just miss? 

"I'm sorry I stabbed your hand," Jay apologized.

"It's fine. Sorry I left you for the X Factor," Harry replied.

"But you had to. It was-" I pulled my ear away from the door. This was getting way too mushy for me. Just as I was about to walk away, I heard moaning from Harry's room. Oh no..... I ran back to his room. I opened his door quickly, but not so fast they would know I was spying on them.

"Hey Har-AHHH MY EYES!" I screamed as I ran out of the room. Oh man oh man oh man. This is so nasty! I sprinted to the waiting room where Cher and Claire were sitting. I looked at Cher, about to say something when Claire interupting me.

"Hey Thaila. Zayn just went looking for you," Claire said to me. I glaced at her. I did a double take. This was the first time I've actually had a good look at her since we found her. She dyed her hair blonde and she had gotten bigger. Then I remembered she's preggers. 

"Cher! Oh man! You're not going to believe this!" I nearly shouted at her.

"Shhh! Calm down! What happened?" she asked.


"Say it a bit slower."

"Harry. And. Jay. Said-"

"Not that slow!"

"Harry and Jay said they loved each other and they...." I didn't finish.

"What did they do?" Claire commanded. I didn't want to tell them. I hated talking about stuff like this. It made me want to throw up.

"I'll just show you," I decided. "Follow me." I led them down the corridor to Harry's room.

"Have a good peak at them," I whispered. I opened the door. My jaw dropped. This can't happen. Not now at least.

heller nice chappie eh?

I'm In Love, With My Ex Bully Niall Horan? (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)*WATTY AWARDS*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon