Chapter 30: Bonding Time, Uck

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: searfi

After that little incident with Niall, I tried my best to avoid him. But it was kind of hard when everyone was trying to get me and Niall to "bond". It seemed like everywhere I went people were begging me to bond with Niall. Truth is, I never wanted anything to do with him anymore. I was sick of his BS.

So, one morning, I was doing some math homework when someone came and sat down next to me. I didn't bother to look up.

"Why are you doing homework?" they asked in a deep voice. It was at guy. Defiantly.

"My mom sends it to me so I can keep up," I explained.

"Why? Are you bad at math or something?" they said.

"Sort of. I wasn't ahead of my class before X Factor, so I guess my mom wanted me to at least stay where I was," I sighed, trying to figure out x.

"Thaila! Niall! You two are bonding!" Liam exclaimed as he walked into the room. I was confused for a second. I didn't see Niall anywhere. Then I looked up, my stomach dropping. I had been talking to Niall. How had I not noticed it before? I groaned, getting up from my chair.

"Why are you moving?" Niall asked.

"To get away from you," I snarled. Just as I was about to make my escape, Zayn and Harry caught me by the collar as they walked in. "Let me go." I whined.

"Nope," Harry said with a smirk.

"Why not?" I protested.

"Because we're about to play a game," Zayn explained.

"What game?" I asked cautiously.

"Truth or dare," they replied in unison.


I never played truth or dare with more than 5 people until now. It was me, One Direction, Jay, Rebecca, Cher and a blond girl I've never met. I expected to see Claire around, but didn't. Actually, I hadn't seen Claire around in a while. It was odd.....

"Who goes first?" Cher asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Rock paper scissors?" I suggested. 

"Na. No need," Louis said meekly. "I have an app on my phone for this." He whipped out his phone and quickly typed in all the names of the players. He tapped a button and a name appeared on the screen.


"Okay Harold, truth or dare?" I asked him. He thought it over.

"Dare," he finally said.

"I dare you to ask Thaila out again," Cher dared. Both mine and Harry's cheeks turned red.

"But I have a girlfriend," he mumbled.

"So what?" Cher sneered. Harry sighed and turned to me.

"Thaila, will you go out with me?" he murmured.

"Sorry, but no," I denied in the most nicest way possible. He shrugged as Louis tapped the screen again.


"Truth," she said.

"Is it true you like Harry?" Rebecca giggled.

"Uh..." Cher's face turned red. 

"You do like him don't you!" I exclaimed.

"Only a little bit!" she defended. We all laughed. A new name was on the screen.


"I choose truth," Jay declared. We all thought for a minute. I was sort of hard to come up with a truth or Jay since she told everyone everything. Then, like a tidal wave, a question hit me.

"Is it true that you and Harry slept in the same bed?" I questioned. Everyone stared at her, waiting for her answer.

"Yeah," she finally said. Everyone gasped, even Harry.

"It was only once! It was only because the stupid girls in the dancer room locked me out," she explained quickly. There were giggles as the name on the screen was changed.


I gulped. I hated it when it was my turn. I never wanted to admit anything and I never wanted to do something nasty.

"Thaila, truth or dare?" Zayn said.

"I uh...," I mumbled. "I guess dare." A big grin spread across his face.

"I dare you to go into a room with Niall and stay there for 5 minutes," he mused. My mouth opened, but nothing came out.

"It's either that or no dinner tonight," Liam added. I groaned as I got up, Niall following. I stomped upstairs.

"I hate you all," I grumbled. I could still hear them laughing as I walked into my room. When Niall finally got in, I closed the door.

Heyo bros. Is you okay? Is you? Good, cuz I wanted to know. So, now you have 3 choices of fan fic; Harry, Zayn and Niall. Comment below. The voting ends Friday. Anywhooo thanks for the 21,000 reads everyone :) yes, I'm still thanking you. I'm gonna keep doing that every new thousand reads. Btw, when this story gets 30,000 reads, I'll do another surprise. I'm doing a surprise every 10,000 reads. I still need to come up with something for the 10,000 reads, so keep that in mind. That's it. Ceeeeeyaaaaaaaa.

I'm In Love, With My Ex Bully Niall Horan? (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)*WATTY AWARDS*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें