Chapter 37: Let It Out

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I looked at him like he was crazy. But who knows. Maybe he is crazy.

"Y-You have a crush on me?" I stammered. 

"Yeah," he sighed. "And it sucks."

"How does it suck?" I asked.

"Do you know how hard it is to like a someone and know they won't like you back? Huh? Do you? Do you Thaila?" he snapped at me

"How do you know I won't like you?"

"The past! You can never let go of the past!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Kindergarten Thaila! Remember that?" I went silent.

"That was a while back," I told him.

"But you still remember it," he said bitterly.

"How do you know that?"

"The way you act around me sometimes. It's like you're scared of me." I kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm not scared of you," I whispered in his ear. A smile grew across Niall's face.

"I would've be surprised if you we're though," he bragged. "I mean, I am pretty terrifying."

"Yea. As terrifying as a baby penguin," I laughed. 

"Got that right." Just then, Harry and Zayn came barging in. Harry looked at both of us and turned a bright shade of red. Zayn got a look of confusion on his face.

"Uh, are you guys finished?" he asked.

"Y-Yea," I stammered. "We're you guys listening?"

"I wish I hadn't," Harry mumbled. My face turned as red as Harry's. Then the nurse came into this room of awkwardness.

"Excuse me," she said," visiting hours are over." She emphasized over with a bit of aditute. I gave her a sneer as I left the room.


Niall got out of the hospital two days later. Everyone was happy to have him back. Everyone but me. I still felt a bit awkward around him. If he liked me, then why did he bully me? I read somewhere that if a boy is mean to you, he likes you. Of course, I had to read this information in 8th grade, the year Niall moved.

I sat on the couch, listening to a girl group practice. They sounded really good. To be honest, I would've be surprised if they won the X Factor. Louis came down and sat down next to me. We were quiet, enjoying the music.

"Did you hear?" he told me after a while.

"Hear what?" I replied.

"Zayn's got himself a girlfriend," Louis mused.

"Who?" I asked. 

"Know Rebecca Fergonson?" 



"He's dating Rebecca?"

"Yep." As if on cue, Zayn and Niall came strolling in the living room, Zayn helping Niall move around.

"Well look who we have here," I smirked as Zayn laid Niall next to me. I inched away slowly. It felt awkward being near him. Zayn  gave me a strange look. "Dating Rebecca now are we?" He blushed.

"Uh, yea," he confirmed. I squealed with joy.

"Oh! I knew you two were going to get together!" I nearly screamed. "You two always flirted with each other! When are you two getting married? Can I be a bridesmaid? Ooooooo! How many kids are you going to have? Can I be the-"

"Thaila!" Zayn interrupted. "We're not getting married." 

"Not yet," Niall muttered under his breath. Zayn gave him a hot glare. I giggled, focusing my attention back on the music. I saw the blond girl look longingly at Zayn. I had a feeling that she had a thing for Zayn. I chuckled softly. If Zayn and Rebecca ever break up, I'll make sure I hook those two up.

"Guys, dinner!" Harry called from the kitchen. Everyone ran into the kitchen except for me and Niall. 

"A little help?" he said meekly. I sighed as I grabbed his hand. I yanked him up. He winced in pain.

"Sorry," I mumbled. As I walked towards the kitchen, he whispered something in my ear that made my blood turn cold.

"Will you go out with me?" he whispered in my ear.

YOOOOOOOOO WAZZZUPPPP????? I have homework to do -_- BUT I AINT GONNA DO IT well, not right now anyway. Anywaaaay thanks for the 44,000 reads :3 You guys are really enjoying the book aren't you? I'm going to end it soon though. Maybe until chapter 45. I dunno. Depends on if I changed what's going to happen AGAIN. But I have it pretty planned out. ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!! I am going to make a sequel to this. I don't know when I will publish it or what it's title is. All I know is I need this book to reach 100,000 reads before I make the sequel. I need to know people want the next book. That's all fer now. I appreciate you guys. I'll.... I'll CEEEEEEEEYAAAAAA

I'm In Love, With My Ex Bully Niall Horan? (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)*WATTY AWARDS*Where stories live. Discover now