Chapter 47: We're Cool

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When I woke up, Niall wasn't next to me. I figured he went to the bathroom or something. Then I remember he had practice today. I felt a little guilty as I walked downstairs into the kitchen. Instead of seeing no one, I saw Niall, making breakfast.

"Morning baby," he greeted me.

"Hey Ni. Whatcha making?" I asked him.

"Yorkshire pudding," he replied.

"Don't you think it's a little early for that?"

"It's noon Thaila."

"And no one wanted to tell me this?"

"Sorry. No one wanted to go into your room in fear of waking Stephano. Which, he did wake up when I tried to wake you. So I just fed him. He's been down here since then." He pointed to the living room where Harry was playing with Stephano. I smiled.

"Thanks for feeding him. I would've had a fit," I told him.

"I know. That's why I thought it'd be better if you weren't waken up and I feed the kid," Niall mumbled. I shrugged and took some of Niall's ingredients. "Hey! Give them back!"

"You have have them back tomorrow," I smirked, eating the food. Niall pouted and went back to the living room, eating the food. I walked over to Harry and Stephano. He was giggling, trying to grab Harry's curls.

"Ow! Okay Stephano, no grabbing Uncle Harry's -Ow!" he whined when Stephano tugged at his hair, cracking up. Harry let out an exasperated sigh. "Go back to your mum." Stephano crawled over to me.

"Come on baby. Uncle Harry needs to fluff up his hair again," I told Stephano. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry glaring at me. I smirked as I walked back into the kitchen. Niall was scarfing down Yorkshire pudding, Louis and Harry were playing spoons with Liam; who was cowering in the corner; Cher was doing the blond girls name who I still haven't learned yet and Rebecca was glaring at Zayn.

"What's up with Rebecca?" I asked Harry.

"She's mad at Zayn," he replied. "Come here Liam. It's just a spoon."


"Eh. Same old same old."

"Which is?"

"Rebecca thinks Zayn is cheating on her."

"With who?"


"Who's mine," Louis interrupted. Me and Harry rolled our eyes. Harry yawned at accidentally hit Liam in the face with a spoon. He was freaking out, screaming and running through the kitchen. It was hard not to laugh at him. I sat down next to Niall.

"I thought you had practice," I said.

"Simon cut me some slack and said I didn't have to," he replied.

"Woah. Simon did something nice? The world has gone mad," I joked. He chuckled. 

Allos :3 sorry for the short chappie I ran out of inspiration at de momento.... Anyway TANK CHU SO MUCH FOR DE 1,000 VOTES :,3 I never thought I'd make it this far to be honest..... You guys are de best :D Anyway, remember when I said this story had to reach 100,000 reads for the sequel? I might do that again. You're only 4,000 away anyway. So... Until then I'll CEEEYAA

I'm In Love, With My Ex Bully Niall Horan? (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)*WATTY AWARDS*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin