Chapter 13: Missing Persons 1 & 2

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I couldn't believe it. Claire was here! She was alive and.... I can't say well. Her lip was busted opened, her wrist looked fractured and she has a few buts and bruises. Claire started to stir.

"Where am I?" she whispered, looking around. Claire eyes got big as she scanned the room. Her chest began to move rapidly. She has always had panic attacks when a group of people surrounded her. She was super claustrophobic.

"Everyone move away from her now!" I commanded everyone. They all gave me puzzled looks. "She gets panic attacks when people crowd her." Everyone took a couple steps back. Eventually, Claire's breaths became normal. I sent Niall to go get me the first-aid kit. He was back in a second. While I cleaned Claire's cuts and bruises, I asked her questions.

"Why are you all beat up?" I asked her.

"I-I don't want to talk about it," she stuttered. She winced as I dabbed a cut on her arm. It must've been something bad for Claire not to want to talk about it since she talks about everything that happens to her. For example, when me and her were littler, we went to a petting zoo. Me, being the scardy cat, I stayed with my mom with the sheep. But Claire went over to the donkey, since it was her favorite animal. So when she went to pet the donkey, it apparently had some hay that didn't agree with it, and it threw up on her. 

So everywhere we went she told everyone she got thrown up on by a donkey until she was 10. 

"Come on Claire. You can tell me. I'm your sis remember?" I urged her. I wanted to know who did this to her. I wanted to beat up whoever beat her up. Wait..... No. I'll get Zayn to beat up the guy who did this to Claire.

"I-I...." Tears slid down her face.

"Come on Claire," I said.

"Someone raped me!" she gasped. My mouth hung open. "And this was two months ago. When he came back and asked me if I was pregnant I said yes and he beat me up." Claire started to bawl.

"Why did he beat you up?" I asked, clearly confused of why the guy would beat her up if she was prego.

"Because I told him he was going to keep the baby," Claire sobbed.

"Claire, you don't tell a guy who raped you he has to keep the baby," I told her.

"But you don't understand! It was-" She didn't finish. It was like she was frozen. It took me a while to figure out who raped her.

"Oh no," I sighed. "Vincent?" She nodded. I shook my head, started to look at her wrist. 

"I told you he wasn't any good," I said. 

"I know. I should've believed you," Claire sighed.

"I know. You should believe me a lot more often."

"Sure Thaila."

"It's true is it not?" Claire laughed. Her wrist wasn't as bad as I thought. It was just popped out of place.

"Ok, this may hurt a bit," I warned her. 

"Wait, what are you OW!" she cried as I popped her wrist back in place.

"Louis, go take Claire to Simon. See if there's an extra room for her," I said to Louis. He nodded as he escorted Claire out of the room. Everyone soon left the room, not interested anymore since the drama was over.

"Hey Thaila," Niall called. I walked over to him.

"Hey Nialler," I greeted. He seemed kinda please I had a nickname for him.

"So who's Claire again?" he asked as we walked to the kitchen.

"She's my sister," I explained. "Vincent was her ex boyfriend that she broke up with three months ago. But they got back together the day you came to my house.I kept telling her he was no good but she didn't listen. Such a shame." I got out some pickles. As I started to munch on one, Niall kept giving me a look. Kinda like a sorrowful look. I swallowed the pickle in my mouth.

"Niall, what's up?" I asked cautiously.

"It-It's your mom," he stuttered.

"What about her?" I was starting to get concerned.

"She's dead," Niall said.


I'm In Love, With My Ex Bully Niall Horan? (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)*WATTY AWARDS*Where stories live. Discover now