Chapter 39: Tears, Screamin And Beds

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Niall was on his bed, face down. I walked over to him, poking his head.

"At o ou ant?" he growled through the bed.

"To apologize," I replied, sitting down next up him. Niall sat up. His eyes were red and puffy, his nose runny.

"I don't need and apology," he grumbled.

"Fine then. I'll just leave," I sighed . I got up to leave.

"No!" Niall screamed at me. "Stay. Please."

"Why do you want me to stay so badly? I thought you hated me," I smirked.

"I don't hate you. I don't think I ever will."

"Why's that?"

"Because I love you."

"Since when?"

"Since I first met you."



"You bullied me everyday in kindergarten! You hated me!"

"I didn't mean to pick on you!"

"Yea right!"

"I didn't! My parents weren't together!" He walked over to me.

"It was hard on me," he whispered. "Not having my mum there all the time."

"I-I'm so sorry Niall. I didn't know," I apologized.

"It's fine," he sighed. He looked me in the eyes. Gosh his eyes were amazing. "I really love you Thaila. So.... Will you go out with me? A simple no or yes."

"Sure I will my leprechaun," I agreed.

"I'm not a leprechaun" he protested.

"Whatever," I laughed as we headed downstairs.

Hiiiiiii bros. Hope you enjoyed this chappie :p tanks for the 58,000 reads btw tanks for commenting on my story it really makes my day :)

I'm In Love, With My Ex Bully Niall Horan? (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)*WATTY AWARDS*Where stories live. Discover now