Chapter 27: Never Mess With Me

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Never go through a town you don’t know near nighttime. Let alone daytime. There’s creepers, stalkers and hobos. They usually only come out at night, but they decided that on this special day, they’d all come out at daytime.

That day just happened to be the day I was going through the part of London that I didn’t know. I shoved my hands in my pockets, feeling abandoned. My life was officially going downhill at the moment.

“I wish Niall never made it through to begin with,” I muttered to myself. “Then there wouldn’t have been One Direction.” I instantly felt ashamed. If it hadn’t been for Niall, I wouldn’t have had the guts to audition for X Factor. Heck, I wouldn’t even had met Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn in the first place, so Niall going on X Factor was related to me meeting everyone.

"Excuse me, miss?" a old lady with cat everything said. 

"Yes?" I replied. She grabbed me by the collar.

"Listen here," she growled. "Today's the day you gonna die. Did you know that?"

"No," I whimpered.

"Have you ever woken up and thought to yourself, jeez, I might die today?" she asked.

"No," I was on the verge of peeing myself.

"Well if you did, whyga choose those pants?"

"I like these pants."

"When you only got one day to live, you gotta wear good pants." She released my collar and walked away, like nothing even happened. That was only one strange encounter I had. Another one was at McDonalds. I was waiting in line, when a guy with a Hawaiian shirt came and stood next to me.

"Fancy a sandwich?" he asked.

"Uh, no thanks," I denied, trying to be polite.

"It's a fancy sandwich," he added.

"Still, no thanks," I replied.

"Are you sure you don't want a sandwich?" 

"I'm sure."

"But you must be hungry."

"I'm not hungry for a sandwich."

"Then why are you in the line for a sandwich?"

"They serve more than sandwiches."

"But why not just take this sandwich for free and-" I Left before he could say anything else. All the other accounts I don't want to talk about. So I was hungry, a bit cold and tired. This was so far the longest walk ever. I debated on going back to the house, but what's the point of being somewhere where no one wants you there.

“Hey lady,” someone called behind me. I turned around and got a face full of knuckles. I staggered back, my nose bleeding. Did that bitch just punch me? Oh hale to the no! I charged at the guy. He obviously wasn’t expecting me to hit him back.

I quickly punched him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain. Then I ran behind him and kicked the back of his legs. He fell down. I started to kick him, taking out ever last bit of anger, loneliness and sadness I’ve felt in the past few weeks.

I felt kind of sorry for the guy. But that’s what happens when you mess with me when I mad. You get your arse beat. After a few kicks, I stopped. They guy was breathing heavy.

“Mess with me again, and I’ll get my clique on you,” I snarled. I heard him give a small whimper. I smiled, walking away as he got up, wiping the blood off his face. I walked around for a bit, not really knowing what to do. I still felt bad for beating up that guy. He looked oddly familiar……

“Thaila?” someone gasped from behind me. I spun around to see Niall, Harry and a beat up Zayn.

Sup bros. Since you guys wanted me to update so badly, I decided meh, why not? I was already working on it at school cause I had nothing to do. Anyhoooow thanks for the 19000 reads :) It seems like every chapter I'm getting like, 1000 more reads. It's really amazing. Bye guys. Don't get eating by waffles.

I'm In Love, With My Ex Bully Niall Horan? (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)*WATTY AWARDS*Where stories live. Discover now