Bonus Chapter (A&V)

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Scenario; Amethyst was hired in a club as a dancer to earn money. Vaye, a successful business woman, goes in the club for the first time and sees Amethyst. The cast are humans for this scenario.

I sighed as I put on a skimpy red dress. I had no choice but to wear this. I would do anything I could to earn money, especially since I'm alone. Well, technically, I'm not that alone but I can't keep depending on Sapphire and Pearl, my two best friends. If it wasn't for Pearl, I wouldn't have gotten this job. You see, Pearl's girlfriend, Eva owns this club. And as for Sapphire, she helps me earn money by letting me join her gigs sometimes. Sapphire's in a band as the lead vocalist and sometimes I'd join in and play the bass. I wasn't really interested in playing bass at first but Sapphire's girlfriend, Weiss taught me about bass so I became interested.

What a life. I wonder what would've happened to me if I didn't run away from my family. I guess I'd still be that weak little girl. Ever since I came out as a lesbian to my family, they started to treat me like crap. They used to be so kind to me because I was the youngest but.. everything changed and suddenly, they didn't feel any love towards me anymore. I then realized they only loved me because I was pretending to be someone I'm not. But as soon as I mustered the courage to be who I am, they began to hate me. Now, I'm poor and I need money to pay my rent and to buy my necessities. And I even went through a phase wherein I thought being a lesbian was an illness.

But thankfully, Pearl and Sapphire helped me realize that being a lesbian wasn't an illness. They helped me get through my darkest times and I will forever be grateful for them. Which was why I shouldn't complain about wearing this skimpy dress. Maybe I should feel confident, I mean, the dress was letting me show off my legs and my curves.. nope, that's not working, I still feel shy and nervous.

"Amethyst? Are you ready? You know you can back out if you're not feeling well." Pearl stated, giving me a worried expression.

I sighed and shook my head, "N-No, I'm fine. I think Eva said there was an important woman visiting the club today?"

Pearl gave an unsure look as she answered, "Yes. But you don't have to do anything that's uncomfortable for you, okay? Tell Eva if she touches you without your consent." Nodding, I put on some pink lipstick and took a deep breath.

"You got this, Amethyst." I whispered to myself.

I sat on a chair with the other dancers. We were all waiting for Eva. Unlike my co-workers, I was super duper nervous. They were all laughing and enjoying themselves while I was just looking around, looking like some lost child. This was just my first day on the job and I still wasn't sure about what to do. I mean, Eva did order someone to teach me the basics but I still had some questions. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to ask them because of this 'important' guest.

The guest rented the club for a whole day so I guess she was stinking rich. I only heard from Eva that she was celebrating her friend's engagement. Who was her friend? I didn't know, I was too nervous to find out their names.

A door opening broke my train of thoughts. With my heart racing, I watched as Eva went in front of all of us. She eyed us all and we had eye contact, she gave me an assuring smile before breaking eye contact. She cleared her throat as she began talking.

"So as you all may know we have very important guests today. The Vaye Throwne will enter our club today and I want to see her satisfied. If Throwne sees you and is interested in you then entertain her. Remember, you dance for them, that does not necessarily mean that you should sleep with them, no. I mean, y'all can have sex with them only if you guys want to. And if they try to force you, make sure to yell and I will kick that person out of my club. Are we clear?"

All of them agreed whilst I only nodded my head. "Alright! Let's dance, people!" I gulped as I stood up and followed my fellow dancers to the stages. We all had our own stages which was embarrassing because I didn't know if I could dance alone but I had no choice. I bit my lip as I went up my stage. As soon as I saw the people around me, I wanted to faint but I remembered that I needed to do this. I needed money. Sighing and holding back my tears, I began to sway my hips to the music.

For the first part, it was okay. No one was approaching me which was good. Because if someone approaches me then I'll have to dance with that person, that's Eva's solid rule. We had to dance with someone who is interested in us. But I didn't know what to do after I've danced with the person. Do I just leave or go back to the stage? I didn't know. I'll just have to wing it.

I saw a man approaching me and I tried my best to not grimace. He was.. manly and handsome but I wasn't interested in men so no thanks. I don't remember if Eva said we could decline so I'll have no choice but to dance with this guy if he approaches me. Just as I expected, he approached me with an arrogant smirk. Resisting to roll my eyes, I smiled at him.

He eyed me and licked his lips, "Hey, wanna dance?" Please kill me.

Having no choice, I politely nodded and went down the stage. He took my hand and dragged me to the dance floor. At first, we were just casually dancing but then he placed his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him. My eyes widened and I tried to subtly move away from him which he noticed.

Of course he didn't like that I was trying to move away from him. Confused, he asked, "What's the problem babe? You a virgin?" What the what?

I didn't answer his question, instead, I said, "Sir, you are making me uncomfortable."

And that's when I felt something hard against my stomach. My eyes widened and I completely panicked. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but he was too strong. "Please let me go." I cried out as tears slowly started streaming down my face.

He only smirked at me, "I've always fantasized about taking a girl's virginity without her consent." No, no, no.

Just as I was about to scream, a deep yet feminine voice stopped me. "Let go of her." The voice was calm but it had a dangerous spice in it. The guy immediately stiffened and hesitantly let go of my waist. I looked down and instantly regretted it when I saw a tent in his pants.

I quickly moved away from him. I wiped my tears and watched as the man tried to explain himself. "I-I wasn't doing anything, boss."

The woman only raised a brow at him and that action was enough for him to look down, apologize and walk away. She then approached me while stating, "Don't worry, he won't approach you anymore. He'll be dead soon anyways."

My eyes widened as I took in her words, "De-Dead?"

She chuckled, "Figuratively. I've already ordered my assistant to fire him." I gasped and watched as she looked at me in amusement.

"I-I don't want to ruin the guy's life.."

She smiled, "You're not. I'm firing him because he's not contributing enough to my company and he's a lazy motherfucker." Wait.. to her company?

I gulped as I asked her, "A-Are you.. Are you the one who rented this club?" She nodded and smirked at me.

"My name is Vaye, Vaye Throwne. It's nice to meet you...?" Oh shoot! She's the important guest that Eva was talking about! Mentally panicking, I took a deep breath as I tried to not humiliate myself in front of this gorgeous and powerful woman.

"A-Amethyst.. Amethyst Scott."

She smirked and I blushed as she whispered my name in a low husky voice.

"Well Amethyst, would you like to hang out?" Oh dear me. Dear me. Dear me. Ignoring my racing heart and flushed state, I answered.


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