Bonus Chapter (S&W)

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Scenario; The main cast is in highschool. Weiss is the ice queen who everyone fears and Sapphire is the volleyball captain who everyone loves. Sapphire has feelings for Weiss and she finally gets the courage to confess her feelings towards Weiss. They will be normal humans for this chapter.

I smirked as I threw a crumpled paper at my best friend, Eva. I wanted to talk to her but she wouldn't spare me a glance 'cause she was too busy flirting with her girlfriend, Pearl. I clapped my hands when the paper hit Eva's cheek. She turned around and glared at me whilst I only sent her a flying kiss in return. She showed me her middle finger and before I could tease her, my name was called.

"Ms. Hollow! What did I tell you about disturbing your classmates?!" I gave an unamused look at Ms. Gaia, our history teacher. She was the most chill teacher in this school and yet, she still calls me out whenever I'm misbehaving.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah. Eva started it." Ms. Gaia raised her brow at me. This bitch could also tell if someone was lying.

"Fine! I'll stop.. geez." Ms. Gaia's smug smirk made me want to slap her.

Well, even though she was a total bitch, she still had my back. I remember all of the times I got in trouble, Ms. Gaia always stood up for me. Yawning, I leaned back into my chair and waited for the bell to ring. My eyes roamed the room until they landed on the beautiful blonde haired maiden sitting on the front.

Weiss Hudson.

The love of my life, the beauty to my beast, the apple of my eye, the diamond among stones. I don't remember when I started falling for this beautiful girl. I guess it just happened. Ever since I saw her stand up for herself, for her friends, she caught my eye. She never hesitated to say what she wants and she never stopped until she gets what she wants. She was fearless, she was a queen, my queen.

Today's the day. The day when Weiss Hudson becomes mine. Today, I will approach her, I will tell her how much I need her, how much I like her. I won't take no as an answer.

"Hello? Earth to bitch ass redhead?" I jumped and looked at my right. Eva was watching me with an amused smirk. I looked around and noticed that everyone was leaving. Looks like class already ended.

"You know, staring will get you nowhere." She stated as I took my bag and stood up.

I scoffed, "I know which is why I'm telling her today."

Eva laughed, "Good luck with that. I can already see you failing. She's called ice queen for a reason, ya know? She's got an icy heart." I rolled my eyes at what she said.

Without saying anything, I began to leave the classroom with Eva following me. Whilst we walked to the cafeteria, random students were greeting us. Eva and I have quite a reputation in this school. I was the volleyball captain and Eva was my co-captain. In the past, a lot of girls used to go after Eva but after she fell for Pearl, her fan girls all went after me. I already had my own fan girls before Eva falling for Pearl so I was fucked. That's not all, I even had fan boys. Even though the whole school knew I was gay as fuck, some boys still tried their luck. And as always, they were all rejected.

When we reached the cafeteria, we headed to our usual table. Our table consisted of me, Eva and Pearl. But today was different because I invited my other friend, Amethyst. And Amethyst's girlfriend was Vaye, aka, Weiss' best friend. I was hoping that Vaye invited Weiss to our table so I could have a chance to get closer to her. Grinning at my plan, I sat on my usual chair and waited for the others. Eva sat beside me and she chuckled at my grin.

I looked around and almost jumped in glee when I saw Pearl, Amethyst and Vaye approaching us. I tried to look behind them to see if Weiss came but I couldn't see her anywhere. I frowned and looked around the cafeteria. My beautiful Weiss was nowhere to be found. I groaned and Eva immediately knew why.

𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ