Chapter 63

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My head was aching and I felt so sleepy. I didn't want to wake up. I honestly wanted to sleep and sleep until this headache left. But since I don't always get what I want, I had to wake up. Even though I had a headache. So with that, I opened my eyes. It was like I was being born again. The lights were too bright and I could see someone checking my body. I just assumed that the person was just checking my body for any scars. Well, I did have scars from the abuse but that's about it. No new scars.

When my eyes adjusted to the light, I could see the person that was checking me. I immediately smiled when I realized that it was Vaye. I couldn't contain my excitement as I yelled out, "Vaye!"

Her eyes immediately met mine and I melted. I grabbed her face and pulled her in for a kiss. I smiled as I felt her kiss me back. Oddly, once my lips touched hers, the headache disappeared. It kind of felt like her lips were medicine or maybe some addicting drug. Since it's been too long since I last kissed Vaye, I surprised her by slipping my tongue in her mouth. I let my tongue brush against her fangs which made her moan. I just hoped my tongue didn't get any scratch because those fangs were sharp as fuck. 

"If I knew you two would have sex as soon as Amethyst woke up, I would've placed her body in a more private place."

I groaned and bit Vaye's lower lip before pulling away. I was breathing heavily, meanwhile Vaye had a dark look in her eyes. Her usual bright red were now blood red which made me smirk. To further arouse my baby, I seductively licked my lips and winked at her.

Vaye hissed and was about to kiss me again but Eva smacked her head. Vaye yelped and glared at Eva. "What the fuck?"

"Fucking hell, when was the last time you got laid? I could practically see the sexual tension." Eva stated, chuckling at Vaye's irritated expression.

Vaye rolled her eyes and helped me stand up. "Fuck off, Eva. Unlike you, I actually waited for my mate." I guess her retort hit Eva's nerves because Eva started scowling.

"Well, at least I'm not some horn-"

"Zip your mouth, Eva." That British accent made my eyes widen. I looked behind Eva and saw Pearl smiling at me. I gasped and covered my mouth as my eyes traveled Pearl. There she was, sitting on a carpet and smiling.

"It worked." I whispered. Pearl nodded and motioned me to get close.

I approached her and immediately embraced her. I sighed in content as I laid my head on her shoulder. My lips began to tremble as my tears slowly streamed down my face. Pearl rubbed my back as I began crying.

I could hear Pearl chuckled, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I could hear the amusement in her voice but I chose to ignore it.

"These are my happy tears, Pearl. I just can't believe I-I.. I can actually see the real you in the real world now. It feels so surreal." I whispered, pulling away from the hug and pouting at Pearl.

She smiled and cupped my cheeks, "Well, you'll have to get used to it because I'm going to stay like this forever." She kissed my forehead which made me smile.

"Hey, hey, I think it's time to break it up, you two." Vaye said whilst shaking her head at us in a playful manner. "Plus, I think Eva's too shocked to move right now."

Pearl raised an eyebrow at Vaye before setting her eyes on Eva. The weirdo was just standing there, openly gaping and staring at Pearl. Vaye chuckled, "She just froze the moment she heard Pearl talk." I giggled, I guess I was right. Eva really did melt because of Pearl's voice. I swear, I'm not saying this because Pearl's my friend but Pearl's voice was absolutely heavenly.

A sniffle caught my attention and I looked behind Vaye. I frowned when I saw Weiss kneeling besides Sapphire's body. I immediately went to Weiss. I cleared my throat to gain Weiss' attention. She looked at me with a sad smile.

"Don't mind me, I'm just waiting for Sapphire to wake up. You guys can continue catching up." The tone of her voice was vulnerable, it made me flinch. I sat besides Weiss and silently held her hand as she stared at Sapphire.

I noticed Pearl approaching us and when she was near, she sat on the other side of Weiss. "Why isn't she waking up?" Pearl asked, running her fingers through Sapphire's stunning red hair.

"I don't know." Weiss' voice broke and she looked like she was about to cry. I immediately began rubbing circles on Weiss' back to comfort her.

On the other side, I could see Vaye talking to Eva. It seemed like Eva was still in shock which was hilarious. I looked away from them and focused on Sapphire.

"Gaia?! Gaia?! Where are you?" Pearl yelled out, looking around, frantically.

I heard someone chuckled from behind me. I looked at the source of the sound and my eyes widened as I took in the person's appearance. She was absolutely beautiful. I mean, no one could be more beautiful than Vaye but she was in second place. So she was the all knowing Gaia, I didn't expect anything less from a powerful creature.

She approached us and placed her palm on Sapphire's forehead. Gaia closed her eyes and began to hum. Weiss, Pearl and I watched her with anticipation. My heart was beating fast and all I could think of was, 'Wake up Sapphire' over and over again.

Soon, Eva and Vaye approached us as well. The two were looking at Sapphire with concerned eyes which made me mentally smile. That meant the two were actually worried about Sapphire, they actually cared.

Gaia's humming stopped and she opened her eyes. She eyed all of us first before slowly shaking her head and looking down. Weiss was the first to break the silence, "Wha-What? What's wrong? She should be awake by now, right?" Gaia didn't reply which made us even more worried.

"Right?" Weiss repeated, her voice breaking once more. Gaia closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Do you really want to know?" Gaia asked. She was still looking down which seemed to frustrate Weiss.

I gasped when the ground started shaking and the carpets started floating. It began to rain and soon there was thunder. I glanced at Weiss and saw her eyes turning yellow.

"Just tell me already!" Weiss snapped, her voice deadly and ominous. Gaia didn't seem fazed with Weiss' outburst, her expression was calm and sad as she began to talk.

"Sapphire took the wrong path. Her soul is lost and nowhere near her body." Gaia then looked at Weiss and had eye contact with her.

"Sapphire is gone."

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