Chapter 66

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I groaned as I felt someone shaking me. My body was so tired and the bed was so comfortable, it would be a shame if I woke up now. The bed was literally hugging me and preventing me from opening my eyes. If I had a bed like this, I'd never want to wake up. That made me think, why do dead people have to stay in a coffin? Maybe dead people could stay in beds or bed like coffin? Coffin like bed? If I died, I'd want my body to be placed in a coffin bed. If there's such a thing as that.

"Amethyst, if you don't get ready, I'll let Vaye leave without you." Ignoring my previous thoughts, my eyes opened and I quickly sat up. I knew Vaye wouldn't really leave without me but some part of me doubted that.

I glared at the smirking Pearl who was watching me with amusement. I noticed that Pearl was already ready to go. She then chuckled at me before handing me a pair of clothes. She gestured towards the bathroom, "Take a shower. I'll deal with Sapphire."

I looked at my right and saw Sapphire still sleeping. I giggled when I noticed that she was drooling. I stood up and yawned as I made my way to the bathroom. "There are already toothbrushes there. I used the blue one so don't use it." Nodding, I went in the bathroom and locked the door.

I placed my clothes on the cabinet. I then began to brush my teeth. After that, I stripped out of my clothes and then I began to shower. Once I was done, I dried my body and my hair with a towel. Feeling fresh, I then put on the black skinny jeans and the simple white shirt that Pearl gave me. Looking at the mirror, I slapped my cheeks before leaving the bathroom.

The sight that greeted me was an amusing sight. Sapphire was screaming at the top of her lungs as Pearl was hitting her with a pillow. I knocked on the wall loudly to gain their attention. When Sapphire noticed me, she quickly ran behind me.

"Pearl's trying to kill me, Amethyst!" She exclaimed. I raised an eyebrow at Pearl. To me, it looked like Sapphire was being a baby while Pearl was hitting her with a really fluffy pillow.

Pearl rolled her eyes and threw Sapphire's clothes at me. Luckily, I was able to catch her clothes. With a chuckle, I handed the clothes to Sapphire who reluctantly took them. "You can use the red toothbrush. I used the yellow one while Pearl used the blue one." With that said, I pushed her in the bathroom and closed the door.

I stretched and sat on the bed. Pearl sat beside me and handed me a pair of white converse. I thanked her and then put on the shoes. Once I was done, I asked, "Do you have any comb? My hair is all over my face."

Pearl shrugged, "I didn't see anything so I used my fingers to comb my hair." I groaned and began combing my hair with my fingers.

After what felt like forever, Sapphire went out of the bathroom, all clean and fresh. She was wearing a plain black shirt and some black jeans. I raised an eyebrow at her all black clothing but I didn't say anything. To match her outfit, Pearl handed Sapphire a pair of black combat boots.

"You look like you're heading to a funeral." I stated, chuckling.

Sapphire rolled her eyes, "I didn't have a choice, we don't really have clothes here, remember?" I shrugged in return which made Sapphire show me her middle finger.

"Your parents are still alive, right?" Pearl suddenly asked which shocked Sapphire and I. The question wasn't directed to me though, it was for Sapphire.

Sapphire shrugged, "Yeah, they are. Why do you ask?"

"Well, aren't you going to visit them?"

"Of course I am. I'll visit them soon with Weiss." Sapphire answered.

Seeming satisfied, Pearl nodded. "Alright. I guess it's time for us to head to the garden. You guys remember where that is, right?"

"Why the garden?" I asked.

Pearl shrugged, "Weiss said it would be nicer if we had breakfast there. Now, come on. I think the three are already there." Nodding, Sapphire and I followed Pearl out of the room.

We then began making our way to Weiss' garden. I think the places that I've been to in Weiss' castle were her garden, my room, her room, her office and her outdoor where she keeps her helicopter. Besides those, I think I've never really had the opportunity to explore her castle. But I think Weiss wouldn't let me anyways. And ever since we were here, I noticed that the servants or the people here didn't talk to us at all. When they see us, they'll either walk the other direction or avoid us by acting like they're busy. I didn't really understand why but I chose not to question it.

As we reached the garden, I saw Vaye and Eva bickering as always whilst Weiss was watching them with boredom. I chuckled at the scene which seemed to have gained their attention. Once they saw us, they quickly stood up. There were three vacant seats in front of them which I guess were our seats. I decided to sit in front of Vaye whilst Sapphire sat in front of Weiss and Pearl was in front of Eva.

When we were finally seated, Weiss clapped her hands and suddenly, maids came out with trays filled with delicious food. I grinned as a maid placed a plate filled with food in front of me. After making sure that we all had food, Weiss stated, "You may all start eating." With that said, I began to eat the delicious chocolate waffles in front of me.

After eating, we all just started talking. "So am I going to sleep in my room? Or-" Weiss cut off Sapphire.

"You'll sleep with me."

Eva cheered, "Yeah, get some Weiss pussy, Sapphire!" Sapphire laughed and began celebrating with Eva.

Pearl smiled, a fake smile at Eva, "How lovely, ain't it, Eva?" Just like that, Eva stopped celebrating which made Vaye laugh.

"You're fucking whipped!" Vaye commented, laughing her ass off. I only chuckled at my baby.

Eva rolled her eyes, "Look who's talking."

We all just had a good time. We were telling each other stories and we were making each other laugh. We were just happy, even Weiss was having a good time. I was glad that I could finally hang out with Sapphire and Pearl like this in the real world. Sure, our inner world was nice but the real world was better. In the real world, we didn't just have each other, we also had our mates. And because of that, we became even happier.

But nothing lasted forever. Soon enough, we were already on our way outside of Weiss' castle. There was a car and a helicopter waiting for us. I knew the car was for Vaye and I since I wasn't a fan of helicopters.

I then sighed as I stared at the car. Weiss cleared her throat, "So I guess this is it."

Vaye nodded, "We'll see you guys soon." Eva decided that they would be the first to leave because Eva had something to do.

Pearl approached Sapphire and I then she hugged us. I chuckled and hugged back. Sapphire hugged back as well. "I love you guys." Pearl whispered.

"I love you too."

"Right back at ya."

With that, Pearl pulled away with a small smile. She kissed both of our foreheads before heading towards the helicopter. Eva waved at us before following Pearl to the helicopter. I watched as the two went in the helicopter. I closed my eyes as I heard the helicopter start to fly. Soon enough, the helicopter was already in the air and Pearl was already on her way to continue her own life without us.

Sighing, I then faced Sapphire. Sapphire was watching me with a smile. I chuckled and kissed her cheek. "I love you, Sapphire."

"Yeah, yeah. Feeling's mutual. I'll see you soon, aye?"

I bit my lip and nodded, "Yeah, see you soon."

I high fived Sapphire before waving at Weiss. Fortunately, Weiss waved back, I was afraid that she would ignore me. I then turned around and approached Vaye who was leaning against the car. Vaye waved at Sapphire and Weiss before opening the car door for me. I went in and Vaye followed.

I sighed when Vaye closed the door. Vaye then looked at me with a concerned look, "You okay, baby?" With a reassuring smile, I nodded.

Vaye smiled, "Are you ready, baby?" I knew what she meant. If I was ready to finally start my life with her. If I was ready to live a life without having two other people living in my brain. And you know what?

"I am ready."

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