Chapter 56

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At first, I simply just stared at them. Of course their appearances changed. The two of them dyed their hairs. The other three either had make up on or were wearing contacts. Even though their appearances changed, nothing could change the past. Nothing could change what has been done. Their regret won't bring back Patrice, their apology won't save them. I took a deep breath and approached them.

"Why the fuck are you doing this? We didn't do anything to you!" They were mostly screaming at Weiss because they thought she was the one who had a grudge against them.

I scowled and punched the one who screamed at Weiss. "Mind your manners, boy. She's a queen and you're nothing but trash so know your place." He only groaned in response.

"Who the fuck are you?"

I smiled, "Do you remember that human girl, Patrice?"

One of them snorted, "We fuck a lot of humans, you've got to be more specific, dumbass." Once those words left his mouth, my foot met his groin. He didn't groan or cry which impressed me. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this guy.

"The human girl who was in a relationship with a vampire." I stated, eyeing each of their faces so I could observe their reactions.

The one in the middle smirked, "As far as I know, they're both dead. We killed them. Why the fuck do you care? It's none of your business." So that's what they thought? Even my family thought I was dead.

"I care because I was the vampire that you supposedly killed."

Those words weren't enough to make them cower. Hell, they even had the audacity to laugh. "You? Are you fucking kidding me?! Last time I checked, that vampire had red hair and was buried! Why do you think they buried her? Because she's dead! Fucking idiot!"

My eyes widened when Weiss suddenly kicked the guy on the face. Weiss' eyes were bright yellow now. Honestly, she looked hot. It's like I'm seeing a different Weiss right now. The hotter Weiss. Weiss glared at all of them, "I didn't want to interfere but you crossed the line. One more insult and I will kill all of you with a snap of my fingers."

All of them instantly became silent. I chuckled, no matter how strong they thought they were, a queen will always overpower them. They knew better than to mess with Weiss, the queen of witches.. Witches, right! Maybe there's a better way to torture them.. a way that would scare them for life. Maybe I didn't have to do this boring and cliché torture style. I think Weiss knew a spell that could help me. Ahh, the perks of having the hot queen of witches as your mate. I glanced at Weiss with a sheepish grin. She noticed my grin and groaned.

"What do you want?"

"Well.. you would do anything for me, right?" I asked with a mischievous grin. Rolling her eyes, Weiss nodded. My grin got wider as I approached Weiss and embraced her.

"Make sure they don't hear what I'm about to say." I stated. I didn't want to spoil my plans. If I said my plans out loud then it would have been futile because the wolves would've heard it. Sighing, Weiss clapped her hands and then gestured me to continue. When I figured that the wolves won't hear us, I began whispering.

"I thought maybe you could.. cast a spell on them that would make them have nightmares of their greatest fears whenever they sleep. And after I'm done with them, we could let them go. Trust me, they'll never be the same again." I whispered in her ear.

"Like I said, sometimes you could be so smart and oblivious. Right now, you're being smart." She said with an approving smile which made me melt. She clapped her hands again which I guess meant that the wolves could hear us now.

"Please let me go, Josh made me do it! He's the mastermind!" I never knew they had names, I assumed their names were asshole, fucker, idiot, dumbass and the like. I felt a little intrigued because of what he said.

I then faced the guy who I'm assuming was Josh. "Well Josh, what do you have to say? Why did you do it?" Josh looked down and sighed.

"I was a teenager back them. My father always told me about how vampires were the most vile creatures. He told me stories about how vampires and werewolves always fought. He made me promise that I will always hate vampires, that I will do my best to ruin every vampires' happiness. That day, when I saw that vampire girl and her human girlfriend, I thought it was my chance. It was my chance to make my father proud so I did what I thought was right. These guys were with me at that time, I-I didn't make them do it! They told me they hated vampires as well. I-I.. I'm sorry."

I smiled at him. Did he really think I would take pity on him? Ha! As if! What's done is done, like I said, his regret won't save him. Revenge would always bring out the worse in people. It would increase the anger and hatred, thus decreasing the pity and mercy. With that thought, I felt absolutely nothing about what he said. His words entered my left ear, only to leave through my right ear. If I decide to show them mercy now, I'll make them think I'm weak. I'm anything but weak. Plus, they don't deserve my mercy.

With my mind set and my heart screaming, I grabbed the baseball bat from the wall and hit them all on the stomach. I continued hitting each and every one of them, I made sure not to miss. Once I got tired of that, I threw the baseball bat to the wall. I eyed my other choices and decided on the whip. I smirked and showed Weiss the whip. She raised an eyebrow in return.

I smirked, "You know, I've always wanted to try BDSM." And just like that, Weiss was instantly beside me and was already smacking my head.

"This is not the time to be perverted!"

I laughed, "Okay! Sheesh, woman." She glared at me whilst a blush made its way on her cheeks. I then focused on my task. Grinning, I began to whip them all. I didn't stop until their clothes were ripped and until I could see their blood. Growing bored of the whip, I threw it away and decided to just beat them all up.

As I was punching them repeatedly, I thought about how bad I was at this. Torturing wasn't really for me and I'm probably not doing any more torturing in the future. Let this be my first and last torture. Next time, I'll let Weiss take the lead. When I figured that I had done enough damage, I looked at Weiss.

"I think I'm done, Diosa. You can do your thing now." Weiss nodded. She then motioned me to get behind her. I did as told. Damn, right now, I had a good view of Weiss' ass. I was so tempted to grab it and spank it. Her ass looked so good in that tight leather jeans. Fuck.

I watched as Weiss scanned the five men in front of us. She began counting which confused me but I didn't say anything. I didn't want to disturb her, albeit I could only see her back, I could tell she was focused. The wolves were confused as well but their fear was more obvious.

"Kánate ton sýntrofó mou na ypoférei, epoménos tha epistrépso ti chári."

[You made my mate suffer, therefore I shall return the favour.]

Fuck, Weiss speaking in another language was such a huge turn on. I wish she'd speak that to me when we make love. Imagine her telling me dirty things while using that language and I wouldn't have a clue of what she's saying. Funny but sexy, right?

"O megalýteros fóvos sas tha eínai o sýntrofós sas kathós koimáste. Tha zíseis, gia pánta, me fóvo."

[Your greatest fear will be your companion as you sleep. You shall, forevermore, live in fear.]


[A/N] I just want to say thanks to google translate for being there for me when I needed help. Thank you, google translate, even though you are not accurate, you are still appreciated. Thank you.

Enjoy reading~!

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