Chapter 12

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I silently ate, avoiding her eyes. My heart was pounding so crazy and I could feel my palms get super sweaty. I can't even focus on my meal because I can feel her eyes on me. I don't know what's going on in her mind but I hope it's not bad. Who knows what vampires think of? Probably blood.

I paused when I saw her reach for my hand. She caressed it while I stayed silent. "Tell me about you." She broke the silence with her seductive voice.

I cleared my throat, "Well, my name is Amethyst Scott, I'm 19 years old. That's it." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant tell me your story. Why you ended up in my forest?" I sighed, I knew she wanted to know but I'm not sure if I can tell her. She might laugh at me or insult me.. I don't want that to happen.

"I won't do any of those." I scowled. Of course, she would read my mind. I should've known. She chuckled at me.

"Try me, baby girl."

Did she just call me baby girl? Am I blushing? Gosh, I suddenly feel hot. I ignored my feelings and started talking.

"We-Well, my family.. They're the worst kind of family. My father doesn't give a shit about me. My mother wanted to abort me. The only reason why she didn't was because her doctor convinced her not to. I have two older siblings but they also abuse me. They treat me like a slave and they constantly like to beat me up for no reason. Not only that, I was also being bullied in school.. They bullied me because I apparently have a crush on a girl-"

"What?!" She exclaimed. My eyes widened and I quickly shook my head, "No, I don't like anybody. My bully just spread rumors about me liking her. I-It's not true.." She visibly released a sigh of relief.


I cleared my throat, "Days ago, they took it too far. My family, they took the abuse too far. They beat me and threw me in the basement. I-I, um, my room was the basement but when I woke up, my things were gone. Even the tiny mattress where I used to sleep on. They took everything from me. I assumed they burned it or something. I got fed up and decided to trash their house and leave. Then.. I ended up in your forest."

After pouring my heart out, she remained silent. Suddenly her hands cupped my cheeks and she wiped away the tears that I didn't know were falling. She pulled me in for an embrace. I gasped as I felt her lift me and then she placed me on her lap. I was facing her so my legs were spread with her in between. Not the dirty kind though. She hugged me and I could feel her head against my breasts. I bit my lip and rested my chin on her head.

"I'm so glad you didn't think of hurting yourself." She whispered.
I didn't answer her. Instead, I was confused. Was she worried about me? The way she's holding me right now, I feel so safe and protected. I feel so complete right now, as if the hole in my heart was made for this moment, as if my heart was made for this vampire queen. I could feel all of my worries vanish.

She pulled away to look at me. She was smiling as she moved a strand of hair behind my ear. I didn't know why but I was smiling as well. Something about her smile made me extremely happy. Just seeing her like this makes me happy.

We didn't say anything for awhile, we were just looking into each other's eyes. I didn't notice that she was leaning in and that I was leaning as well. I closed my eyes and waited for her lips to meet mine.

But it never happened.

Instead of my lips, I could feel her plant a kiss on my forehead. She kissed my nose and then my cheeks. She planted soft butterfly kisses on my neck before resting her face on my shoulder. I was blushing the whole time she was showering me with kisses. I was breathing heavily all of a sudden. I bit my lips as I felt something moist in between my legs.

Vaye looked at me, her eyes were now a darker shade of red and she licked her lips. "As much as I want to, it's too early." She stated. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Too early for what?"

She ignored me as she stood up. I squealed and instantly wrapped my legs around her waist. I blushed when I felt her hands on my butt. I accidentally let out a moan when she squeezed my butt. She paused and I could feel her breathe heavily near my neck. She's giving me goosebumps.

She gently laid me on the bed. "Sleep, I'm going for a walk." I sat up.

"A walk? At this hour?"

"Yes. I'm afraid that if I stay here any longer, I wouldn't be able to control myself. Especially since I could smell your arousal." I blushed again.

Vaye licked her lips and winked at me before leaving the room. I put a hand on my chest to calm down my heart. I could still feel it beat so fast like it's running a marathon.

Wow. That was so fucking sexy, I was holding my breath the whole time. I thought you would fuck up or something but you didn't! Gosh, I'm so proud of you, who knew you could feel horny?

I could hear Sapphire's laughter in my head. I rolled my eyes. You were co-conscious the whole time?!

Only when you were crying. I thought about fronting since you were crying like a baby but then vampire charming comforted you.

You're still a pervert though. Where was Pearl the whole time?

She's in her own world. She did say she would lock herself up if anything sexy happens.

I can't believe you were watching!

I wasn't! Geez.

That still doesn't make you less of a pervert.

Why I-

Go. To. Sleep.

I sighed and laid down. I snuggled closer to my pillow and closed my eyes. It only took me a short matter of time to finally achieve sleep.

I opened my eyes with a gasp. I looked around and discovered that I was in our inner world. Looks like I'm having this kind of dream again. The kind of dream where I get to meet Sapphire and Pearl. Speaking of them, where are they?

I stood up, "Sapphire? Pearl?"


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