Chapter 53

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I was sad that Vaye couldn't stay with me to meet Weiss. She said she couldn't stay any longer because she had some matters to fix in her kingdom. I'm not mad or anything. I know her people always comes first. She's still a queen with duties after all. Although, I would feel better if she was here but there's nothing I can do. I just have to suck it up. Sapphire's going to front later anyways. Weiss needs to grant her wish as well.

It took us about five hours to get to Weiss' castle. I had to change cars because Vaye was using her car to go to her castle. She ordered one of her men to bring me to Weiss. I hope everything's well in Vaye's kingdom. I got out of the car and saw Yna waiting for me.

I smiled at her, "Hey."

"It's nice to see you again, ma'am." She bowed at me before gesturing me to follow her. I began to follow her.

Honestly, she didn't have to escort me because I already knew the way to Weiss' office. I've been there plenty of times. Once we reached Weiss' office, Yna opened the door for me. I thanked her and got in.

The sight that greeted me was Weiss talking to Eva. Weiss stopped their conversation to greet me. "Hello, Amethyst. How did it go?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It was fine. My wish is granted. How about you guys? Any luck? Did you find their bodies?" I held my breath as I waited for their answer.

I didn't want to hear any more bad news. Luckily, Weiss grinned which lifted my hopes up. "There's good news and bad news. The good news is I found Sapphire's body. I told her parents everything and they were willing to do anything to bring Sapphire back. Her body is here, inside a room." She then paused and reluctantly said.

"The bad news is..." Weiss raised an eyebrow at Eva who sighed in return.

"Tyran. I talked to him yesterday and he said he didn't want to bring Pearl back. That motherfucker is in my dungeons, being tortured and he still doesn't want to tell me where Pearl is buried."

I frowned and tilted my head, "Why don't you ask the other pack members?"

"Apparently Tyran told his pack members that Pearl died in an accident and no funeral was held so they didn't know where she's buried." I bit my lip and groaned.

Weiss put a hand on my shoulder as a sign of giving comfort which was nice of her, "Don't worry. They're wolves, they'll smell Pearl's scent soon enough."

"But isn't Pearl in a coma? How are they going to pick up her scent?"

"She's in a coma but she's not dead so she still has her scent. My wolves are all over the Purple Moon's territory, hopefully those fuckers will bring me some good news. And after I'm done with this, I'm killing Tyran."

"No." Eva looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I guess she noticed the change in my accent. I stayed silent for awhile to avoid zoning out. Once I was sure that I was focused, I responded.

"I think you should let Pearl decide that. I think Pearl's wish would be something related to her father."

Eva glared at me, "Why the fuck would she include that fucker in her wish? The bitch tried to kill her!" Before Eva could yell anymore complaints, Weiss smacked the back of her head.

"Shut up! That's not your choice to make. As Pearl's mate, the only thing you can do is to support her decision and to grant her wish. No more nonsense." Eva couldn't retort because her phone rang. Eva glared at Weiss before leaving the room to answer her phone.

Weiss sighed, "I hope her men called to tell her some good news." I wonder why Eva didn't go with them. I mean, Pearl's her mate, right? Then shouldn't she be with her men, finding her mate? Weiss noticed my confused expression which made her roll her eyes. Geez, did she ever do anything besides rolling her eyes?

"Eva didn't want to go with them because she thought Evalyn would go berserk and end up killing everyone in her way. You know how wolves are very overprotective over their mates. Evalyn probably would've killed Tyran already, if it weren't for Eva keeping her cool."

Now that made sense. I guess that really explained everything. Even Eva seemed to be unusually hot headed today and I guess it's because of Pearl's father. I can't believe that man had plans to kill his own daughter and for what? For more power? I just.. it's hard to wrap my mind around it. I guess both Pearl and I have very messed up families. Only, for her, her father's the only psycho, whilst for me, my whole family was the psycho.

It's crazy how none of us had an easy life. I've been abused and mistreated by my own family. Pearl's mother died and her father tried to kill her. Sapphire got beaten up by a bunch of wolves and they made her watch them rape and kill her girlfriend. I didn't know who had the worst situation out of all of us. Honestly? I didn't want to know.

I jumped in surprise when the door slammed open. Eva was grinning widely whilst she showed us a picture. I gasped when I saw a picture of Pearl. Her blue hair was all over her face whilst her eyes were closed. She was wearing a white dress and luckily, there seemed to be no dirt on her.

"They found her! They found Pearl!" Eva exclaimed, her grin only getting wider. Weiss instantly grinned as well whilst I started jumping in excitement.

"Holy shi-, That's amazing!"

Eva happily celebrated with me which was unusual for her but who cares? We were both just extremely happy. Meanwhile, Weiss laughed as she watched us jump around like crazy children.

After laughing her heart out, Weiss calmed down. "Okay guys, we still have some work to do. We can all celebrate once more when this is all over. For now, we focus back on the task at hand." I pouted but stopped jumping. Eva calmed down as well and nodded.

"So where is Pearl's body now?"

Eva smiled, "They're bringing her body here. They're bringing Pearl here. Fuck yes, I can finally see the real her." Weiss only smiled at her enthusiasm. Weiss then looked at me with a knowing look.

"It's already getting late, you should sleep."

I nodded, "Are you going to grant Sapphire's wish tomorrow?" Weiss gave me a smirk.


[A/N] Hello! So I've been really curious and I wanted to ask you guys a question. Who do you think had the worst past? Is it Amethyst, Sapphire or Pearl? I'm really curious and I really want to know what you guys think.

For me.. I can't seem to choose which one. Please comment what you guys think! I will highly appreciate it. :)

Enjoy reading~!

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