Chapter 27

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"So this is where you will be staying. Unlike Vaye, I do not like it when someone sleeps beside me. If you need anything else, I have prepared someone to tend to your needs." Without even glancing at me, Weiss left the room, leaving me alone.

I groaned and crashed on my bed. I thought Weiss would at least stay here and communicate with me. Why am I always wrong? And now, I'm stuck in this room with nothing left but boredom.

Dude, you have a lot of things. Hell, Vaye even gave you a phone. Use it.

I frowned and was about to fetch my phone when the door suddenly opened. I jumped in surprise and glared at the intruder. A woman taller than me was looking at me with a curious gaze. When she realized that I was glaring at her, she apologized.

"I am sorry for coming in without your permission, ma'am. My name is Yna, I am sent here by her majesty, Weiss." She grinned at me, her eyes shining like diamonds.

I nodded, "Nice to meet you, Yna. My name is Ame-"

"Amethyst, Sapphire, and Pearl. My queen has already given me a brief information about you and your alters. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She bowed at me which made me uncomfortable.

I didn't know why she acted like that nor did I want to know. This girl was too weird for my liking. I do not understand why Weiss sent her. She could've easily chose a different one.

You're judging already, albeit you do not know her.

There's nothing I can do, Pearl. I'm a human. It's normal for humans to judge people. Even if I don't want to, I can't help but judge. It's human nature.

Unfortunately, I can't disagree.

I cleared my throat, "The pleasure is all mine, Yna. Say, um, what are you?" I can't tell what she is, but since we are in Weiss' kingdom, I'm guessing she's a witch. It's better to ask her though so I'm sure.

"I'm a witch, ma'am. Certainly not the best witch, but a witch nonetheless." I slowly nodded as I watched her roam around my room. She began touching the decorations whilst I watched her, confused. She then approached me after her little show.

"I have made sure that there are no dark magic lingering around your room. It's better to be safe than sorry. Now, would you like anything?" I didn't want to ask about that dark magic thing, nor did I want to know. I feel like the less I know, the better.

I awkwardly smiled at her, "Um, is it alright if you take me to Weiss? I want to ask a few questions."

She glanced at her watch before answering me. "You're in luck, ma'am. It is my queen's free time so you would be able to talk to her. But please make sure that what you will ask her is important. Queen Weiss is a very busy woman and she does not like it when one wastes her time." I stood up.

She eyed me before nodding and walking towards the door. I followed her silently as we began to walk to who knows where. As we were walking, I couldn't help but admire the interior of this castle. It was nothing like Vaye's but it had it's own charm. It's beautiful, but I still prefer the place where my Vaye lives.


I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore Sapphire. We then stopped in front a large door. Yna knocked and the door suddenly opened by itself. Again, I'm not even surprised. I guess I really am getting used to this whole weirdness crap.

Yna bowed, "My queen, your guest, Amethyst requested to see you." I wasn't even surprised when I saw Weiss floating. But I am impressed though. I never knew witches can fly.

I bet they can do a lot of things with their fingers.

That has a double meaning, right?

Wink, wink.

Weiss softly landed on the ground. She faced me with a bored look, "What is it?" Yna moved to the side of the door. I then walked to where Weiss was. Before I could say anything, Weiss pointed at a chair. I sat on it whilst Weiss sat in front of me.

"This better be important." I heard her mumble.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Calm down, Amethyst. This is a queen and rolling your eyes at a queen is a sign of disrespect. So instead of rolling my eyes, I coughed awkwardly.

"I wanted to know a few things and you're the only one with the answers." She raised an eyebrow at me but she didn't say anything else.

I took a deep breath, "Why did you take me here?" She gave me an annoyed look as those words left my mouth.

"I thought Vaye made it clear that it is not something you should worry about." She stated, annoyance clear in her voice.

I scoffed, "If it wasn't important then I shouldn't even be here." I retorted, looking at Weiss in the eyes. Instead of getting mad, she simply rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Yes, you shouldn't be here because you are not the one who I need." What in the world? Then why'd she bring me here in the first place? If I'm not the one she needs then why am I here? As if reading my mind, she answered my unasked question.

"I need your alter, Sapphire."

I guess those words were enough to trigger Sapphire because as soon as she said that, my head started to ache. I relaxed myself.

I grinned and it looked like Weiss didn't expect the sudden change in my behavior. I didn't know if she figured out that I had front. But I know she's smart so she'll most likely know by now. Weiss began to squirm on her seat when my eyes roamed her body. It seemed like she was uncomfortable all of a sudden which made me confuse but I didn't ponder about it.

I stood up and went to her. Before I can even hug her, she stood up whilst glaring at me. "Don't you dare, Sapphire." Fuck, the way she said my name made me want to take her right now.

I grinned and didn't say anything. I continued walking towards her while she was walking away from me. "My queen, do you need help?" I ignored the foreign voice. My only focus was on Weiss.

"No! No, don't touch her." I smirked when Weiss' back reached the wall. I trapped her using my arms. She glared at me, "What do you want?"

"You're so cute." I whispered before leaning in. Her eyes widened but soon I saw her close her eyes. I smirked, that's just what I've been waiting for. Instead of kissing her, I bit her cheek, making her yelp. She pushed me and I fell on the ground, laughing.

I continued laughing so hard, "You should've seen your face! You were so cute!" I exclaimed, still laughing.

My laughter soon died when I noticed that Weiss was silent. I looked at her and saw her glaring at me. It looked like her usual bright green eyes were turning dark green. My eyes widened and I gulped.

She smiled at me, "What's so funny, Sapphire?"

Fuck me.

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