Chapter 9

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I watched as Wade struggled from Vaye's grip. She was gritting her teeth. I hid under Vaye's desk because the ground was still shaking. I took a peek at the two and saw Vaye's eyes still pitch black. Wade was still struggling and it looked like she was crying. I bit my lips and embraced Vaye from the back. Vaye's grip on Wade's neck loosened and I could feel Vaye relax. Wade dropped on the ground, clutching her neck.

I was still embracing Vaye to somehow calm her down. I guess it succeeded because she let go of Wade's neck. Vaye gently got out of my embrace. She took a deep breath and spoke, "Why were you about to kiss my mate?" Her voice sounded so ominous and scary, it sent shivers down my spine.

Wade looked down, "I will not lie to you, my queen. I.. I truly wanted to kiss her but only because her lips looked soft and pink." I blushed when I heard that.

Vaye pinched the bridge of her nose with an irritated look. "This is my mate we're talking about. You know how much time I've spent trying to find her! You're not getting off the hook this easy." Vaye glared at Wade as she clapped her hands.

Suddenly, a mysterious man with a hood covering his face appeared. He was kneeling in front of Vaye. "My Queen." He said, his voice was deep, cold and intimidating.

"Discipline her."

Once those words left her lips, the man took Wade and disappeared. I stayed still as Vaye sat on her chair. She gestured me to sit on the chair in front of her desk. I followed her orders.

Okay, right now, I'm slightly intimidated. I mean, she just.. Her eyes! Like what the fuck? What happened gave me goosebumps all over. And the ground.. The ground was shaking! What kind of vampire can create an earthquake?!

"A queen."

I glared at her, "Will you stop reading my mind?!"

She raised an eyebrow at me. Realizing what I did, I began to fidget and curse myself. I gave her an apologetic smile. "Okay, let me start with my apology by saying that you are a wonderful being with a kind heart. Let me just say that you are gorgeous an-" I stopped talking when I noticed her chuckling. I sighed in relief. Looks like she's not mad, that's a good sign.

"I'll stop reading your mind if you start listening to me." She said, a smirk plastered on her face. I eagerly nodded. I'll do anything to stop her from reading my mind. So I patiently sat there waiting for her to say something.

"You will sleep with me-" I blushed. What? Sleep with her? A girl? I've never slept with anyone before and I never expected that my first time would be with a girl. I always imagined my first time to be with a handsome prince charming like a member of EXO, or maybe even Genos from One Punch Man, heck I'll even go for Saitama! Or maybe Mumen Rider..

She stopped talking when she noticed my blush. "Why are you blushing?"

"Um, sle-sleep with you? I don't know.. I don't think I'm ready yet." I admitted, fidgeting with my shirt. I looked down, still blushing. "I'm really sorry, it's not that I don't think you have a gorgeous body which you do, it's just I'm such a virgin that I don't even know what to do when it comes to that."

Vaye shook her head, "Not that kind of sleep." Eh? I looked at her in curiosity.

"Sleep like we sleep beside each other, not sex." I could feel myself get disappointed with her words.

Why the heck am I disappointed? This is so weird but I feel really sad all of a sudden. Maybe it's because I'm going crazy. Ever since I've been here, my mind has gone insane.

Aren't we all crazy?

Not everyone is crazy for sex with the queen of vampires.

Fuck. Off. Pearl.

I ignored the two bullies and focused on the goddess before me. Vaye noticed my look of disappointment so she immediately spoke, "Don't worry! We will, we will have sex! I mean, not right now but in the future." She cleared her throat.

Wow. You're getting laid.

I will immediately lock myself in some other part of your brain as you two.. have sex.

I kinda want to watch though. I mean, free porn, am I right?

Haven't you heard that in psychology, people who watch porn are most likely immature.

That explains it.

Hey! You guys are mean!

"Anyways, enough of that. That's not our main topic."

I ignored the two bickering kids in my mind. Vaye pulled out a book and opened it. I watched her. I didn't know what else to do but to sit here, listen, watch and obey.

"Right." She cleared her throat. "Here, do you happen to have any knowledge regarding this?" She pointed towards a certain word.

My eyes furrowed as I read it out loud, "Mate, a supernatural's other half." I shrugged once I've finished reading it.

Vaye frowned, "Not familiar?" I nodded.

"Looks like this will be harder than I thought." I heard her whisper.

"What's so special about it?"

Vaye shook her head, "Nothing. I guess I'll have to wait for the right time to tell you." Her statement made me confused but I didn't say anything.

"So, any past relationships?" She asked. Her question was so sudden so I was shocked for a bit. Once I've recovered, I cleared my throat to answer.

"I've never been in a relationship before. I don't even know what love feels like."

I was slightly ashamed of myself. What kind of teenager am I? I know people my age already experienced love.. I think? I'm not too sure but I do know that some teenagers have been in love. But I know one day, the right person for me will come. I don't care if its a boy or a girl, just give me love.

Vaye suddenly stood up. She motioned me to stand up as well. I did so while tilting my head in confusion. She walked to a door and opened it. She went in. I didn't know what to do so I followed her. When I entered the room, I gasped. It was a library and the smell of books was so strong. The sight of the books made me halt. Vaye took notice of this.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I stared at nothing in particular as I felt my self dissociating. I furrowed my eyebrows and clenched my fists.

"Not right now, Pearl." I stated.

Vaye gave me a confused look, "Pearl?"

"I'm sorry, Amethyst." Pearl's british accent became obvious. Vaye didn't seem too shocked at the sudden change of my voice. I mean, after all, Sapphire also had a different tone of voice.

I closed my eyes and decided to let Pearl take over. I should've known she'd want to take over. Books are her trigger after all.

[A/N] Yey, Pearl's first appearance! I'm so excited!

Happy reading~!

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