Chapter 73

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When we got to the city, Weiss had to put on her sunglasses and a floppy hat so she could hide her face. To be more careful, Weiss decided to cast a spell on herself that would make people think she's just a normal witch. Fortunately, the witches and wizards here still don't know that their queen already found her mate so I'm good. Once we were ready, I opened the door and got out. Weiss then got out after me.

I instantly smiled when I saw a bunch of people walking around. Some were on their phones while others were talking while walking. I felt a hand grip my arm. I looked at my right and saw Weiss looking around. I grinned when I smelled something delicious coming from my left.

"Can we buy some food? I'm kind of hungry." Weiss frowned which made me pout. The smell was fucking heaven. I bet it would taste like heaven as well.

Weiss rolled her eyes, "That's not food. Someone's casting a spell." What the fuck? I frowned and groaned. Weiss chuckled at me.

"Come on, I know a great restaurant." Weiss took my hand and began dragging me to somewhere. I just shrugged and began following her like the good girl that I am.

We kept walking for awhile but we stopped when some girl bumped into me. I sneezed when I smelled something oddly weird. I kept sneezing until I could feel something weird. Weiss was watching me closely before her eyes widened in realization. Meanwhile, the girl who bumped me was smirking, mischievously. I don't know what the fuck she did but she looked oddly sexy to me. I could just fuck her again and again.

I smirked and approached the girl, completely ignoring Weiss whose grip on my hand tightened. "Hey baby girl. What's your name?"

She seductively bit her lip before replying, "I'm Tanya, nice to meet you, hottie." She winked at me and I swear, I felt my pussy throb.

"Chrisimopoieíte loipón éna xórki agápis, e? Erasitéchnis." Weiss stated, smirking as she said so. I didn't understand a word nor did I care. I was too busy eye fucking Tanya.

[So you're using a love spell, huh? Amateur.]

Tanya's seductive expression turned into an irritated one when Weiss spoke. "Hm? I'm sorry. Are you mad that your lover wants me and not you? Huh?" She taunted, slowly approaching Weiss with a smirk.

I watched them both, tilting my head. I couldn't understand what was happening. My head was too foggy and I could only hope that I will be able to fuck Tanya later. Her boobs were big, Weiss' boobs were bigger but I preferred Tanya's. Oddly, all of my attractions towards Weiss suddenly went to Tanya. It's like I'm seeing Weiss in another body.

To further taunt Weiss, Tanya approached me and kissed my cheek. I instantly smiled as she did so. Weiss' face was unreadable, it was honestly scary. I've never seen her so expressionless. My eyes widened when the people around us suddenly stopped walking. Every movement around us stopped, the only ones moving were Weiss, Tanya and I.

I could see Tanya's eyes widening but she quickly composed herself. She cleared her throat and said, "S-So what if you're a powerful witch? It doesn't change the fact that your girlfriend wants me."

Weiss smiled, although her smile was emotionless. "Let's make a deal, shall we?" I shivered when I heard Weiss' monotone voice. I stared at both of them and wondered why I suddenly didn't feel anything towards Tanya anymore. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes.

My head wasn't foggy anymore and I could finally figure out what the fuck was happening. So the bitch, Tanya, casted a spell on me, a love spell or some shitty spell? But anyways, that spell made me like Tanya and only Tanya. Unfortunately for her, her spell didn't last long because I only see her as a slut right now. I glanced at Weiss and was about to tell her that Tanya's spell was gone but Weiss' yellow eyes were enough to make me silent. Nothing good ever happened whenever Weiss' eyes turned yellow.

"Wha-What deal?"

Weiss smirked, "Cast your spell on my lover once more. Then ask her to choose between us, if she chooses you then you can have her. But if she chooses me, you'll be forbidden to use any magical spells until I am done playing with you. Is it a deal?"

Tanya looked reluctant at first but then our eyes met and her eyes instantly brightened when they met mine. I frowned, geez why am I such a lady magnet? I blame it on my good looks and charming personality. If I wasn't so irresistible then this wouldn't have happened. Damn you, my beautiful looks and great smile!

"Deal." Once that word left Tanya's mouth, I sneezed again when I smelled the familiar odd smell. I then felt the same weird feeling as earlier.

I smiled when I saw Tanya looking at me with a smile. Honestly, Tanya looked so cute! I wanted to take her and fuck her in front of my pet. I didn't even have a pet! I'll just fuck her in front of the pet store then! She just looked so appealing right now, my pussy wants her. My fingers want to be inside of her. My tongue wants to taste her.

"Baby, do you see that girl?" She then gestured towards Weiss who was looking at me with an irritated smile. I gulped, her smile looked deadly to me and I thought smiles were supposed to look friendly! I reluctantly nodded at Tanya.

"I want you to choose between her and me. Choose wisely, hottie." I frowned and tilted my head.

That was it? That's easy. All I had to do was to say Tanya's name. I opened my mouth and tried to say Tanya's name but it wouldn't come out. I frowned and tried again but I only managed to say nothing. What was so hard about saying Tanya? I never had a problem with speaking, so why do I have a problem now? I eyed Tanya, she's got an hourglass figure, some medium sized boobs, and a flat but great ass. What more could I ask for? I then eyed Weiss. She's got a body to die for, big boobies and an amazing ass that I could probably squeeze. But for some reason, I didn't find her appealing.

So instead of looking at the appearances, I closed my eyes and blurted out the name that instantly popped up in my mind.

I opened my mouth and said the name of the person that I was thinking about.

𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz