Chapter 33

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I blinked for awhile. I heard someone clear their throat so I stopped. I raised an eyebrow when I saw Weiss looking at me. I looked around and saw that we were in a garden. I had no idea why we were here but I ain't complaining. It's not everyday I get a chance to be with Weiss. Smiling, I faced Weiss.

"It's not that I don't like being here with you but why are we here?" I asked. Weiss didn't answer me. She only clapped her hands.

When she clapped, maids holding a basket full of food appeared. I grinned as the maid placed the basket in front of me. It was full of biscuits but I couldn't care less. Food is food. I took one and ate it. I moaned when the taste exploded in my mouth. I paused when I heard Weiss giggle. I smirked at her.

"I can make you laugh just by eating? Wow, I guess I have a talent." I winked at her which made her stop giggling.

She blushed and glared at me, "Yes, I'm laughing at you but it's only because you eat like a pig!" Her words did no damage to me because I only found her words cute. I licked my lips.

"I bet you're just imagining me eating you like a pig." With a glare, she threw one of her biscuits at me which I caught with my mouth. I winked at her as I ate the biscuit.

I think she's impressed. I hope I'm doing a good job at trying to win her heart. I watched as she hid her face with her hair. I chuckled, she was so cute. The way she acted like she hated me for no reason and the way she would always blush around me. She's too cute for her own good. If she ends up falling for me, I'm going to treat her like a goddess. She may be a queen but for me, she's a goddess. What's the word? Right, she's my Diosa.

She cleared her throat, "Right. I didn't ask Pearl to let you front, just for us to flirt." I gave her a confused look.

I can't believe I forgot I let Pearl front. I wonder what her progress was. She's supposed to be telling us right now. I'm guessing she found something big. It's weird that she didn't tell us right away which was what she usually did. Oh well, Pearl will eventually tell us. I should just give her time. Focusing on the Diosa in front of me, I watched as she bit her lip.

I mentally drooled at the sight of her biting her bottom lip like that. If I wasn't horny earlier then I'm definitely horny now. Fuck, a girl biting her bottom lip had always been my greatest weakness. And now, the girl of my dreams is biting her bottom lip. Damn, I bet it would be a hundred times hotter if I was the one biting her lip. Oh fuck, now I'm imagining her lips on mine, that would feel amazing. Now I'm just making myself even hornier. I should probably stop before I take Weiss here, fast and rough.

I'm sure Amethyst wouldn't like the idea of me fucking Weiss with her body. I mentally chuckled, that girl would be fucking furious.

"Sapphire, are you even listening?!" Flinching, I shifted my attention to the Diosa who looked like she could kill me right now. Smiling at her, I nervously laughed.

"Of course, Diosa. I always listen to you." I lied, still laughing nervously.

She raised an eyebrow at the mention of the word, 'Diosa'. "Diosa? You gave me a nickname?" Even if she was glaring at me with all her might, I can still see her face turn red. I grinned at her.

"Do you like it? It means Goddess in Spanish." She scoffed and tried acting cool by flipping her hair. I watched in amusement as she tried to compose herself by playing with her hair.

Still blushing, she said, "I-I know what that means! And I do-don't like it!" Despite her words, her body acted differently which only increased my amusement. To mess with her, I acted like I was sad.

I frowned, "You don't? I thought you would like it.. I'm sorry. I'll just call you Weiss then." I acted like I was disappointed by avoiding her eyes and sighing.

I took a quick glimpse at her and saw her eyes widening. "No-No! You can call me that, I.. I like it, it's cu-cute." Hearing that, I looked at her with a grin. She frowned at my reaction before realizing that she fell into my trap. She groaned and began throwing her biscuits at me.

I gasped, "That's bad, Diosa! Don't waste food!" With all my might, I tried to collect all of the biscuits that she threw. I sighed in relief when she stopped. I placed the biscuits in the basket in front of me. Weiss sighed which made me shift my attention back to her.

"What's wrong, Diosa?"

She blushed when she heard the nickname but she quickly composed herself. "I'm supposed to be telling you something important but we're getting nowhere." I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Right, sorry. You can tell me now, no more further distractions." I stated, saluting at her. She giggled lightly at my action.

I began rubbing my hands together when she looked at me in the eye. Naturally, I would've avoided eye contact but this was Weiss. And just because she was Weiss, I decided to have eye contact with her. Her forest green eyes looked into mine and I swooned when her eyes went brighter. From forest green, it turned into neon green. It didn't weird me out, in fact, I was amazed. My beautiful Diosa was showing me a different side of her.

"Whatever I tell you, I want you to know that I'm not lying." Nodding slowly, I watched as she took a deep breath.

I smiled at her, "Whatever you say, I'll still find you absolutely beautiful, Diosa." And as I expected, my reply made her blush adorably. She shushed me whilst I chuckled at her childish antic.

"You know about mates, right?" She asked. Her question made me raise my eyebrow. I could feel my heart start to beat fast. I already had a feeling of what she was about to say. I nodded at her. She seemed to be hesitating but she shook her head. She faced me with a soft smile.

"You're my mate, Sapphire."

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