Chapter 70

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My eyes were wide as I ended the call and threw my phone on the bed. I couldn't believe what I just heard. At first I thought she was joking but.. she sounded so happy and that convinced me. I thought Vaye and I were supposed to be the one to do it first. Or maybe even Sapphire and Weiss. But those two? Pearl and Eva? I thought they would do it last. They never even showed affection towards each other. Who knew that they would be the first to make love?

Speaking of making love, I'm kind of jealous. Eva's so straightforward, she can just blurt out that she wants to make love. But Vaye? Nope. I don't know, she never mentioned it. Every time I think something would happen, it never did. She would stop, joke about it and then go to sleep. It was frustrating me. I want her to touch me. I want it so bad, I've been thinking of masturbating.

We haven't even been hanging out with each other. She's so busy with her queen duties that she's starting to neglect me. The last time we made out was when she had a free schedule. But after that, she's been busy as heck. I'm also getting worried because all she did was work and work. She hasn't been eating well lately either. These past few days, she's getting even paler and her lips were almost always dry. I think I need to do something about this. Maybe I should ask Wade for help.

With a determined look, I went out of my room and searched for Wade. After five minutes of looking for her, I finally saw her. Wade was in the library, getting books from the shelves. I approached her and cleared my throat to gain her attention. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Is there any problem, your highness?"

I nervously smiled at her, "So Vaye has been.. um, she's kind of been.." I didn't know why but somehow, I couldn't say the right words.

Wade chuckled, "Her majesty has been pretty busy, is that what you're trying to say, my queen?" I blushed when she called me queen.

Vaye's people in this castle has been calling me queen ever since I came here. Turns out, they already knew that I was their queen's mate. Meanwhile vampires from out of the castle don't know yet because Vaye hasn't announced it yet. I told her I'm still not ready and Vaye told me that she's willing to wait which was sweet of her.

"Ye-Yes. She's been busy and I think she hasn't been drinking blood lately. What do you think?"

Wade shook her head, "Her majesty has been drinking blood. But not the blood of human vessels. Her highness has been drinking from animals." Wait, animals?"

"Why animals?"

Wade smiled, "Queen Vaye didn't want you to think of her as a monster so she tried to avoid human blood as much as she can."

I was speechless. I didn't know that Vaye was doing that for me.. I bit my lip, "What can I do to help her?"

"You can let her majesty drink your blood."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. Vaye drinking from me? I haven't thought about it before. But now that somebody mentioned it, I think it's about time for Vaye to drink from me. I don't want her to keep drinking animal blood.

I nodded, "How should I tell her that?" Wade's eyes widened when she heard me. I guess she didn't expect me to actually go along with it.

"But there are things that you must know first, Queen Amethyst." I raised an eyebrow at her.

Wade continued, "If you let Queen Vaye drink from your neck, she will most likely disagree."

I frowned, "Why would she? I thought vampires drank from the neck." Wade shook her head at my statement.

"Yes, the neck is the common area where vampires bite but it's a different occasion if the vampire is your mate. If you let Queen Vaye drink from your neck, it is a sign of marking you. You will be bound to Queen Vaye. Your mate bond will become stronger."

I bit my lip, "Will I become a vampire?"

Wade chuckled, "No, your majesty. If Queen Vaye gives you some of her blood then you will become a vampire, a powerful one." I sighed in relief.

"Then where should she drink from?"

Wade thought for a moment before coming up with an answer. "I suggest your wrist, your majesty." I smiled and looked at my wrist before nodding at Wade.

"Thanks Wade."

She bowed at me, "It's always a pleasure to help you, your highness."

I blushed slightly before waving at her and making my way to Vaye's office. I knew Vaye was there because she was working. Whenever she worked, she was either in her office, outside, in the training grounds or in the meeting room. I knew she didn't have any meeting today so she was most likely in her office.

When I reached Vaye's office, I took a deep breath before knocking. "Come in, baby." I giggled, I knew Vaye could already tell that I was the one knocking. I always knocked differently.

With my hands slightly sweaty, I opened the door. I smiled when I saw Vaye writing something on a paper. I got in and gently closed the door. I went to Vaye and began to massage her shoulders.

"Are you okay?"

Vaye hummed, "I'm doing better, now that you're here."

I sighed and placed a kiss on her forehead. We were silent for awhile. Vaye was still writing something whilst I observed her. I noticed that her lips were dry once more and that made me frown. I guess this was the perfect opportunity to make her drink from me.

But how should I approach the topic? It was times like this when I wished Vaye would read my mind. I knew Vaye would never read my mind unless I allowed her to but I thought it would be weird if I suddenly asked her to read my mind.

I mentally groaned and slapped myself. I should just do it! No more thinking, no more planning. I'll just do it. Taking a deep breath, I randomly showed Vaye my wrist. Vaye looked at it before giving me a confused look.

Gathering my courage, I managed to say, "Drink from me."

Vaye's eyes widened, "What?"

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